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ComboBox Paging Handling (Bug/Feature?)
ComboBox Paging Handling (Bug/Feature?)
the handling of paging in comboboxes seems not to be fully testet... I have an issue where the picker is always closed, when you change the page.
I have tracked it down to the "onValueCollectionEndUpdate" function in the ComboBox source file, where the paging is not respected.This would be a possible fix:
onValueCollectionEndUpdate: function () {
var me = this,
selectedRecords = me.valueCollection.getRange(),
selectionCount = selectedRecords.length;
me.updateBindSelection(me.pickerSelectionModel, selectedRecords);
// If we have selected a value, and it's not possible to select any more values
// or, we are configured to hide the picker each time, then collapse the picker.
if (selectionCount && ((!me.multiSelect && me.pageSize == 0) || me.collapseOnSelect || ! {
if (selectionCount && !me.suspendCheckChange) {
me.fireEvent('select', me, selectedRecords);
I'd like to test this along with you. Can you post a test case demonstrating the issue you're seeing either here or at
Also, what version of ExtJS are you seeing the issue in?
ComboBox Paging Handling (Bug/Feature?)
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