mardi 14 avril 2015

Ultimate steps to build a normal ready to store app

I have done a sencha app, using sencha cmd and following almost all guide lines sencha reccomends.

The problem is that I am not finding a definitive clear method to compile the app for android. At some point it is said the sencha cmd will only produce a debug version of the app.

I can successfully run:

sencha app build production

sencha app build android

sencha app build native

and so on. I even generated the debug version (with the last version).

Now if want to generate a definitive ready for store version, what should I do exactely? Is there any tutorial?

It is supposed that I should merge manually the android build with the cordova folder and then compile with cordova?

And the next question, if I would need to add some device access function, should I do it when I have this sort of midleware in cordova version?


thanks of all guys of sencha, you have done really a great job saving a lot of time to others developers. Sencha is really really a great framework, not only for the MVC structure in js, but for the cross device compatibility.

Ultimate steps to build a normal ready to store app

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