lundi 13 avril 2015

Need syncronous messagebox within a beforechange event in pagingtoolbar


Within a grid I want to display a messagebox warning when rows are selected and a page up or down is requested. If the user requests to stay on the page it shouldn't reload with the new page.

The messagebox displays but then continues with the paging request. Don't know if this is possible but figured I'd ask. Here's the code for the pagingtoolbar.

Code below


xtype: 'pagingtoolbar',


store: '',

displayInfo: true,

displayMsg: i18n.text.DisplayText,

emptyMsg: i18n.text.EmptyText,

listeners: {

'beforechange': function(me, page, eOpts) {

var grid = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#detailsWindow grid[itemId="detailsGrid"]');

var arraySelected = grid[0].getSelectionModel().getSelection();

if (arraySelected.length != 0) {


title : 'Changes will be lost',

msg : "You've requested a different page number, you're unprocessed selections will be lost <br><br>Do you want to continue?",

buttons : Ext.MessageBox.YESNO,

//modal: true,

fn : function(btn) {

if(btn == 'yes') {

return true;

} else {

return false;



icon : Ext.MessageBox.QUESTION,

scope: this






Need syncronous messagebox within a beforechange event in pagingtoolbar

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