mardi 3 février 2015

How do extjs 5 @example in JSDuck.?

Just like in some sencha docs I would like to have examples of my classes on the documentation pages.

I believe JSDuck is made for ExtJS 4 but Sencha uses it for ExtJS 5 so I am hoping on some help on how to do this. Also for others who want the same.

Here is how far I got....

1) I created a jsduck.json with the following in it:


"--title": "MY - API",
"--": [
"--output": "path_to_output_docs",
"--welcome": "docs/readme.html",
"--guides": "docs/guides.json",
"--eg-iframe": "docs/eg-iframe.html",
"--external": [

2) Create shell script


# Create jsduck documentation.

# Create symlink to extjs @ documentation loaction.
ln -s Path_To_Ext-5.1.0/build path_to_output_docs/extjs-build

Problem 1

I want an example like:


* @example
* Ext.create('myclass',{
* renderTo: Ext.getBody()
* });

The code shows in the documentation, when I try to 'live preview' it I get the error:

'TypeError: object is not a function'

How do i fix this.?

Problem 2

So I try an example with an ExtJS class:


/** @example
* Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
* title: 'Contact Info',
* width: 300,
* bodyPadding: 10,
* renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
* items: [{
* xtype: 'textfield',
* name: 'name',
* fieldLabel: 'Name',
* allowBlank: false
* }, {
* xtype: 'textfield',
* name: 'email',
* fieldLabel: 'Email Address',
* vtype: 'email'
* }]
* });

This does work in the documentation but without theme.

So all white with font 'times new roman' with 2 very small input fields.

How do i fix this?

How do extjs 5 @example in JSDuck.?

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