I'm in process of upgrading ExtJS 4.2.2 to ExtJS 5.1.0, I need to use Ext.draw.sprite.Text. ExtJS 5 has multiple "draw" folders that has the classes required:



Since, I'm not using Sencha Cmd, I'm trying to include the draw folders as a path config of the application. However, I can't include different folders for a single path, i.e.:


paths: {
'Ext.draw' : './extjs/5.1.0/packages/sencha-charts/src/draw',
'Ext.draw' : './extjs/5.1.0/packages/sencha-charts/src-ext/draw',

What should I be doing in order to include these classes from these different folders? I'm hoping the answer isn't just extract the classes to one folder.

Thanks in advance!