Ext version tested: Nightly Build

Browser versions tested against
: Chrome 40


Here is a fiddle that demonstrates the problem:


The application has a panel with a toolbar that contains two buttons (start and stop).

When I click on the start button the application should disable this button and enable the stop button. This does work as long as the panel does not contain a chart component.

When I add a chart component to the panel calling setDisabled(true) on the toolbar button throws this error.


Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function ext-all-debug.js:15490
Ext.apply.pseudos.focusable ext-all-debug.js:15211
filterByPseudo ext-all-debug.js:15092
filterItems ext-all-debug.js:15360
cq.Query.Ext.extend._execute ext-all-debug.js:15321
cq.Query.Ext.extend.execute ext-all-debug.js:15530
Ext.apply.query ext-all-debug.js:38088
Ext.define.privates.findFocusTarget ext-all-debug.js:37797
Ext.define.disableFocusable ext-all-debug.js:40053
Ext.define.onDisable ext-all-debug.js:39335

This problem is not present in