mercredi 4 juin 2014

How to use SQL Proxy

In Sencha Touch I do use a custom proxy based on the SQL Proxy. I'm trying to make an similar proxy for Sencha ExtJS 5.0, but I'm keep running into errors while trying to use the existing SQL Proxy.

I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong, see the next fiddle for an example:

I'm running into the following errors:

- model.modelName, (sql, updateModel). (model.getName does work)

- model.getFields().each() (sql, updateModel) (model.getFields().forEach() does work)

- model.getIdentifier() (sql, updateModel) (model.identifier does work)

- model.getIdProperty() (sql, multiple times, first occured in getPersistedModelColumns) (model.idProperty does work)

After using working arounds for the above errors, I ran into two other errors:

- operation.process(operation.getAction(), resultSet) (sql, multiple times), resultSet should be first.

- records[i].join(me) (store, loadRecords), it expects records[i] to be an instance of a model, but it isn't.

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