I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong, see the next fiddle for an example:
I'm running into the following errors:
- model.modelName, (sql, updateModel). (model.getName does work)
- model.getFields().each() (sql, updateModel) (model.getFields().forEach() does work)
- model.getIdentifier() (sql, updateModel) (model.identifier does work)
- model.getIdProperty() (sql, multiple times, first occured in getPersistedModelColumns) (model.idProperty does work)
After using working arounds for the above errors, I ran into two other errors:
- operation.process(operation.getAction(), resultSet) (sql, multiple times), resultSet should be first.
- records[i].join(me) (store, loadRecords), it expects records[i] to be an instance of a model, but it isn't.
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