mercredi 25 juin 2014

HOW TO change glyph color in menu


I'm using fontawesome for the icons in the menu, instead of images.

I'm stuck in how to change the colour of the glyph.

This code works for changing background-color:


var rightClick_menu = Ext.create('',{
overElement: false,
showSeparator: false,
floating: true,
shadow: false,
hideMode: 'offsets',
items: [{
glyph: 0xf00d,
text: 'Close Series',
iconCls: 'closeSeries',
style: '.closeSeries .menu-glyph-color{background-color:red;}',
handler: function() {

Tried changing 'background-color' to 'color', but that doesn't work:


var rightClick_menu = Ext.create('',{
overElement: false,
showSeparator: false,
floating: true,
shadow: false,
hideMode: 'offsets',
items: [{
glyph: 0xf00d,
text: 'Close Series',
iconCls: 'closeSeries',
style: '.closeSeries .menu-glyph-color{color:red;}',
handler: function() {

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