jeudi 26 juin 2014

Export Model/Store to File... as PDO or MSQLi object?


In Architect 3, I can see that both Model and Store can be "Saved to Toolbox" and "Exported to File...".

I can understand the importance of saving model/store in the Toolbox...

But for the capability to export Store as a File... I think it will be more meaningful if that file can be in a Data Object format that can be consumed by PHP, .NET, Perl, etc... to complete the persistence of STORE to MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB.... NOSQL, MongoDB.... VoltDB.... ScienceDB....

I believe SA3's roadmap is not to be an end-to-end IDE like Eclipse/Netbeans... but exporting Store with all it's DB Persistence related properties as Data Objects of other languages is a great help for SA developers like us.

If Sencha will consider:

1. Convert the Store in the format of PDO, mysqli, or the old mysql format (in the case of MySQL).

2. Include JSON Request Response writer in the exported code.

3. Include the handling of extraParams in the generated code

4. Take the Store's data type definition of each field as the basis for the creation of DB Tables.

Lastly, I hope Sencha will reconsider buiding an IDE for data modeling, ORM, etc. just like Wakanda (

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