Hi all, What are the differences between Component.query and Controller ref?
can i use both or one in my controllers to get a button's properties? for example:
and in the same way i can use :
so in both cases, i get the button's properties, so what is the best way to get the property of a class inside my controllers? and what are the difference between them?
can i use both or one in my controllers to get a button's properties? for example:
refs: [
ref: 'refMyButtonOne',
selector: '#btnOne',
xtype: 'Ext.button.Button'
var myBtn=this.getRefMyButtonOne();
and in the same way i can use :
var myBtn= Ext.ComponentQuery.query('button#btnOne')[0];
so in both cases, i get the button's properties, so what is the best way to get the property of a class inside my controllers? and what are the difference between them?
Thanks a lot.
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