Ext.define('My.store.Direct', {
extend: 'Ext.store.Direct',
paramsAsHash: true,
proxy: {
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: 'data',
totalProperty: 'total'
type: 'direct',
In subclasses I only need to set the API config. I tried:
Ext.define('My.store.User', {
extend: 'My.store.Direct',
model: 'My.model.User',
storeId: 'user',
constructor: function () {
this.getProxy().api.read = RPC.UserApi.read;
Ext.define('My.store.Post', {
extend: 'My.store.Direct',
model: 'Mehr.model.Post',
storeId: 'post',
constructor: function () {
this.getProxy().api.read = RPC.PostApi.read;
Unfortunately, after executing the code both store will have the `api.read` of the first subclass. What is wrong with it? What is proper method of extending stroes?
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