Ext.form.field.Checkbox sets the disabled attribute in the input element when I specify readOnly, this causes certain problems when listening for dragging events when the element is readOnly.

The function that has the issue is:


getSubTplData: function() {
var me = this;
return Ext.apply(me.callParent(), {
disabled : me.readOnly || me.disabled,
boxLabel : me.boxLabel,
boxLabelCls : me.boxLabelCls,
boxLabelAlign : me.boxLabelAlign

Where I think it should be:


getSubTplData: function() {
var me = this;
return Ext.apply(me.callParent(), {
disabled : me.disabled,
readOnly : me.readOnly,
boxLabel : me.boxLabel,
boxLabelCls : me.boxLabelCls,
boxLabelAlign : me.boxLabelAlign

Of course this would require modifying the fieldSubTpl.

I first noticed this issue in ExtJS 4.1.1 but saw it is also present in ExtJS 5.0. I'm using a workaround in my project but wanted to inform the team about the issue.

