Ext.define('SpendingPortal.view.SponsorChart', {
extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
alias: 'widget.sponsorchart',
requires: [
autoShow: true,
height: 320,
width: 501,
constrain: true,
layout: {
type: 'fit'
title: 'Compare Expenditures',
initComponent: function() {
var me = this;
Ext.applyIf(me, {
items: [{
xtype: 'cartesian',
insetPadding: 20,
store: 'ChartData',
insetPadding: {
top: 40,
bottom: 40,
left: 20,
right: 40
interactions: 'itemhighlight',
axes: [
type: 'numeric',
position: 'left',
title: 'Expenditures',
listeners: {
rangechange: function(range) {
var store = this.getChart().getStore(),
min = Infinity,
max = -Infinity,
store.each(function(rec) {
var value = rec.get('value');
if (value > max) {
max = value;
if (value < min) {
min = value;
value = (min + max) / 2;
value: value,
line: {
title: {
text: 'Average Spending: $' + (value / 1000).toFixed() + 'K'
lineDash: [2, 2]
}, {
type: 'category',
title: 'Elected Representative',
position: 'bottom'
series: [{
type: 'bar',
axis: 'left',
xField: 'label',
yField: 'value',
style: {
minGapWidth: 20
highlightCfg: {
strokeStyle: 'black',
fillStyle: '#c1e30d',
lineDash: [5, 3]
label: {
field: 'high',
display: 'insideEnd',
renderer: function(value) {
return value.toFixed(1);
items: {
type: 'text',
text: 'Spending by Reps',
font: '22px Helvetica',
width: 100,
height: 30,
x: 40, // the sprite x position
y: 20 // the sprite y position
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