I am trying to port my ExtJS 4.2 based app to 5.0. My Controller code is as below.
ExtJS 4.2 exposed accessor methods for all the refs declared. Looks like that feature has been removed in ExtJs 5. I read through the migration guide and did not find any guidelines on this. Is there a recommended way on how to migrate the refs accessors to 5.0?
Ext.define('MyCompany.controller.CustomerAccountController', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
views: ['CustomersView'],
stores: ['CustomerAccounts'],
models : ['AppState', 'CustomerAccount'],
config: {
selectedCustomer: ''
refs: [{
ref: 'customersView',
selector: 'customersview'
}, {
ref: 'customersFilter',
selector: 'customersview textfield[name=filter]'
}, {
ref: 'customersList',
selector: 'customersview grid[name=customerslist]'
setSelectedCustomer: function() {
var customerList = this.getCustomersList(); //Throws undefined function exception
ExtJS 4.2 exposed accessor methods for all the refs declared. Looks like that feature has been removed in ExtJs 5. I read through the migration guide and did not find any guidelines on this. Is there a recommended way on how to migrate the refs accessors to 5.0?
Thanks in advance,
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