This is rather a feature request ;-)

I would like to ask to include the texts for the multiselector component in the locale files.

For English that would be


Ext.define("", {
override: 'Ext.view.MultiSelectorSearch' ,
searchText: 'Search...'

Ext.define("", {
override: 'Ext.view.MultiSelector',
emptyText: 'Nothing selected',
removeRowTip: 'Remove this item',
addToolText: 'Search for items to add'

I needed it for German, thus here's the translation for that


Ext.define("", {
override: 'Ext.view.MultiSelectorSearch' ,
searchText: 'Suche...'

Ext.define("", {
override: 'Ext.view.MultiSelector',
emptyText: 'Nichts ausgewählt',
removeRowTip: 'Enferne dieses Element',
addToolText: 'Suche nach Elementen zum Hinzufügen'