* Ext Version tested: Ext JS 4.2.1 Classic
* Browser versions tested against: Chrome 35.0.1916.153, FireFox 30.0
* DOCTYPE tested against: Strict
* Description: The grid grouping expand/collapse works fine when
* store/columns/features are used in initComponent to configure the grid,
* but collapse does not work after calling reconfigure with the same
* store/columns/features.
* Steps to reproduce the problem: Launch the application and
* exercise the grouping expand/collapse in the first column, then press
* the reconfigure button and exercise the collapse again - the collapse
* will not work.
* The result that was expected: The collapse would work after reconfigure.
* The result that occurs instead: The collapse does not work after reconfigure.
* Thanks for a correction to my understanding and code,
* or a workaround.
name: 'Grid1',
autoCreateViewport: false,
launch: function() {
Ext.define('GridTestPanel', {
extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
renderTo: "appContent",
initComponent: function() {
Ext.apply(this, {
items: [{
id: 'theGrid',
xtype: 'thegrid'
}, {
xtype: 'button',
text: 'reconfigure',
handler: function(btn) {
var comps = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('thegrid');
Ext.define('TheGrid', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
alias: 'widget.thegrid',
uses: ['Ext.data.ArrayStore'],
initComponent: function() {
Ext.apply(this, {
store: this.getTheStore(),
columns: this.getTheColumns(),
features: this.getTheFeatures()
doReconfigure: function() {
var newStore = this.getTheStore();
var newColumns = this.getTheColumns();
this.reconfigure(newStore, newColumns);
getTheStore: function() {
var store = new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
fields: [{
name: 'company',
type: 'string'
}, {
name: 'price',
type: 'string'
data: this.getTheData()
return store;
getTheColumns: function() {
var columns = [{
text: 'Company',
dataIndex: 'company'
}, {
text: 'Price',
dataIndex: 'price'
return columns;
getTheFeatures: function() {
var features = [{
ftype: 'grouping',
startCollapsed: false
return features;
getTheData: function() {
var data = [
['abc1', 'def'],
['abc2', 'def'],
['abc3', 'def'],
['abc4', 'def']
return data;
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