lundi 7 juillet 2014

How do I apply a date format to a bound display field?

I am using a displayfield to show a date. The field is bound to the view model. When it displays, it uses the verbose default date format. How can I apply a format to the bound value?


{ xtype:'displayfield',


I get the right format if I use a datefield, but I don't want the look and feel of that widget.

Empty text does not expand the container it is in.

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default Empty text does not expand the container it is in.

    Empty text does not expand the container it is in.

    If a grid is annotated with the emptyText property it will not show when it is supposed to. In my personal app, I can get it to show, but it won't expand the container to actually show the text and I have to manually set the minHeight.

    This is an example of just one problem with empty Text. Works in 4.2.

TreeStore getById broken

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

SortableList Plugin Missing from Architect

Turkiyenin en sevilen filmlerinin yer aldigi porno internet sitemiz olan ve kostenlose porno sex tarzi bir site olan mobil porno izle sitemiz gercekten dillere destan bir durumda herkesin sevdigi bir site olarak tarihe gececege benziyor. Sitenin en belirgin ozelliklerinden birisi de Turkiyede gercekten kaliteli ve muntazam, duzenli porno izle siteleri olmamasidir. Bu yuzden iste. Ayrica en net goruntu kalitesine sahip adresinde yayinlanmaktadir. Mesela diğer sitelerimizden bahsedecek olursak, en iyi türk porno sitelerimiz vardır. Olmayan sitemiz ise yoktur. Her ne kadar saçmalamaya başlamış olsak da mobil porno video arşivine sahip bir siteyiz. antika lokanta malzemesi alanlar türbanlı porno watch porn

GridView - Bound to ViewModel - Add new record

I have GridView bound to View Model, and View Model represent the Store.

Can someone provide detail on how to add new record, and if require user can cancel the changes which removes the newly added record?

I am expecting to have all Create, Update and Delete operation performed on store data can be cancellable.

I would really appreciate if someone can provide a sample code.

Dynamically adding items to drop down list of combo box.

Turkiyenin en sevilen filmlerinin yer aldigi porno internet sitemiz olan ve kostenlose porno sex tarzi bir site olan mobil porno izle sitemiz gercekten dillere destan bir durumda herkesin sevdigi bir site olarak tarihe gececege benziyor. Sitenin en belirgin ozelliklerinden birisi de Turkiyede gercekten kaliteli ve muntazam, duzenli porno izle siteleri olmamasidir. Bu yuzden iste. Ayrica en net goruntu kalitesine sahip adresinde yayinlanmaktadir. Mesela diğer sitelerimizden bahsedecek olursak, en iyi türk porno sitelerimiz vardır. Olmayan sitemiz ise yoktur. Her ne kadar saçmalamaya başlamış olsak da mobil porno video arşivine sahip bir siteyiz. antika lokanta malzemesi alanlar türbanlı porno watch porn

border layout causes selection to break

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default border layout causes selection to break

    border layout causes selection to break

    In the shown code (and fiddle)

    if you use border layout the selection stops working. changing to fit layout makes selection work.


    name: 'MyApp',

    launch: function() {

    Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', {
    autoShow: true,

    // if this is fit, selection works, otherwise as border selection does not work
    //layout: 'fit',
    layout: 'border',

    items: [{
    xtype: 'grid',
    region: 'center',
    flex: 1,
    store: {
    fields: ['id', 'approved', 'interestCount', 'title'],
    data: [{
    id: 101,
    approved: true,
    interestCount: 138,
    title: 'JavaScript For Smarties Part 1'
    }, {
    id: 102,
    approved: true,
    interestCount: 33,
    title: 'Last Chance To Learn C#'
    }, {
    id: 103,
    approved: true,
    interestCount: 9867,
    title: 'How To Not Get Much From AngularJS'
    columns: [{
    header: 'Id',
    dataIndex: 'id'
    }, {
    header: 'Approved',
    dataIndex: 'approved'
    }, {
    header: 'Interest',
    dataIndex: 'interestCount'
    }, {
    header: 'Title',
    dataIndex: 'title',
    flex: 1

    }, {



[4.2.1] When a combobox has a filter applied, and enableRegex, enableRegex is broken

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default [4.2.1] When a combobox has a filter applied, and enableRegex, enableRegex is broken

    [4.2.1] When a combobox has a filter applied, and enableRegex, enableRegex is broken

    Ext version tested: Browser versions tested against:

    • Chrome Latest

    • Firefox Latest


    • Describe the problem in greater detail here, summarizing the behavior.

    Steps to reproduce the problem:

    • Create a combobox with a store (with only lowercase items to make it easier) and enableRegex to true

    • Set any filter to the combobox that still matches many items in the store

    • Try typing anything that matches what's in the combobox

    The result that was expected:

    • The enableRegex typeahead should let you type stuff and select items

    The result that occurs instead:

    • Nothing happens at all, nothing is selected from your enableRegex/typeahead

    I don't have the time currently to make the entire example. But this bug exists.

    enableRegex can't be used with a filter, or it doesn't work at all.

    typeahead is the solution, but it's not nearly as nice/neat looking.

    Last edited by undeclared; Today at 8:14 AM.

    Reason: Bug Template

Grid grouping collapse not working after grid reconfigure


* Ext Version tested: Ext JS 4.2.1 Classic

* Browser versions tested against: Chrome 35.0.1916.153, FireFox 30.0

* DOCTYPE tested against: Strict

* Description: The grid grouping expand/collapse works fine when

* store/columns/features are used in initComponent to configure the grid,

* but collapse does not work after calling reconfigure with the same

* store/columns/features.

* Steps to reproduce the problem: Launch the application and

* exercise the grouping expand/collapse in the first column, then press

* the reconfigure button and exercise the collapse again - the collapse

* will not work.

* The result that was expected: The collapse would work after reconfigure.

* The result that occurs instead: The collapse does not work after reconfigure.


* Thanks for a correction to my understanding and code,

* or a workaround.



name: 'Grid1',

autoCreateViewport: false,

launch: function() {




Ext.define('GridTestPanel', {

extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',

renderTo: "appContent",

initComponent: function() {

Ext.apply(this, {

items: [{

id: 'theGrid',

xtype: 'thegrid'

}, {

xtype: 'button',

text: 'reconfigure',

handler: function(btn) {

var comps = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('thegrid');








Ext.define('TheGrid', {

extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',

alias: 'widget.thegrid',

uses: [''],

initComponent: function() {

Ext.apply(this, {

store: this.getTheStore(),

columns: this.getTheColumns(),

features: this.getTheFeatures()




doReconfigure: function() {

var newStore = this.getTheStore();

var newColumns = this.getTheColumns();

this.reconfigure(newStore, newColumns);;


getTheStore: function() {

var store = new{

fields: [{

name: 'company',

type: 'string'

}, {

name: 'price',

type: 'string'


data: this.getTheData()


return store;


getTheColumns: function() {

var columns = [{

text: 'Company',

dataIndex: 'company'

}, {

text: 'Price',

dataIndex: 'price'


return columns;


getTheFeatures: function() {

var features = [{

ftype: 'grouping',

startCollapsed: false


return features;


getTheData: function() {

var data = [

['abc1', 'def'],

['abc2', 'def'],

['abc3', 'def'],

['abc4', 'def']


return data;



formfield destroy does not work correct

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default formfield destroy does not work correct

    formfield destroy does not work correct

    Using ExtJS 5.0.0 GPL.

    I have some small test code to reproduce the problem. It will continue to recreate a new window containing a small file input field. The second invocation will fail with error "DOM element with id button_browse-trigger-filebutton in Element cache is not the same as in the DOM. Make sure to clean up Element instances using destory()"

    I do not see the point. It invokes all destroy methods (win destroy, filefield destroy etc.). Seems that there is a deep component not being destroyed from extjs.

    Ext.define('TestWin', {

    extend: 'Ext.window.Window',

    autoShow: true,

    height: 170,

    width: 360,

    layout: {

    type: 'fit'


    iconCls: 'xwd-icon-key',

    title: "Sample",

    closeAction: 'destroy',

    closable: true,

    items: [{

    xtype: 'filefield',

    id: 'button_browse'




    name : 'Foo',

    launch: function() {

    var cf = function() {

    Ext.Msg.alert('TestWin', 'Create Window now', function(){

    win = Ext.create('TestWin');

    win.on('close', cf);






Form Basic markInvalid

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default Form Basic markInvalid

    Form Basic markInvalid

    I do client and server validation.

    In 4.2 I use, add the errors and then in the form use the method markInvalid. This works great but in 5.0 is deprecated so I search the documentation and it says to use but when you look at form Basic for the method markInvalid you say you can use

    In the code you can see how you use

    So the questions is:

    Is the documentation wrong?

    Is really deprecated?

    How are we supposed to use markInvalid?

    I know I can use the object directly, but I prefer Ext classes.


How to disable the error tooltip ?

Turkiyenin en sevilen filmlerinin yer aldigi porno internet sitemiz olan ve kostenlose porno sex tarzi bir site olan mobil porno izle sitemiz gercekten dillere destan bir durumda herkesin sevdigi bir site olarak tarihe gececege benziyor. Sitenin en belirgin ozelliklerinden birisi de Turkiyede gercekten kaliteli ve muntazam, duzenli porno izle siteleri olmamasidir. Bu yuzden iste. Ayrica en net goruntu kalitesine sahip adresinde yayinlanmaktadir. Mesela diğer sitelerimizden bahsedecek olursak, en iyi türk porno sitelerimiz vardır. Olmayan sitemiz ise yoktur. Her ne kadar saçmalamaya başlamış olsak da mobil porno video arşivine sahip bir siteyiz. antika lokanta malzemesi alanlar türbanlı porno watch porn

Ext.Ajax.timeout has no effect

Since I did migrate our solution to ExtJS 5 (5.0.0) the global setting for Ext.Ajax.timeout has no the ajax calls.

This code runs in a timeout after 30 seconds:


Ext.Ajax.timeout = 180000; // 3 minutes
Ext.onReady(function () {
url: 'longRunningTask',
success: function (response) {
failure: function (res, opts) {
if (res.timedout) {
} else {

This code not:


Ext.onReady(function () {
url: 'longRunningTask',
success: function (response) {
timeout: 180000,
failure: function (res, opts) {
if (res.timedout) {
} else {

Date filter convertValue method issue

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default Date filter convertValue method issue

    Date filter convertValue method issue


    Trying to migrate from the old UX based filters to the new plugins.

    Having trouble getting date filters working.

    The first issue is that convertValue does not do what the function header implies.

    It returns a boolean at times.

    My fix:


    * @private
    * Will convert a timestamp to a Date object or vice-versa.
    * @param {Date/Number} value
    * @param {Boolean} [convertToDate]
    * @return {Date/Number}
    convertValue: function (value, convertToDate) {
    if (convertToDate && !Ext.isDate(value)) {
    value = new Date(value);
    } else if (!convertToDate && Ext.isDate(value)) {
    value = (+value);

    return value;

    The first block was setting the value to Ext.isDate(value).

    Would be surprised if this has been tested at all to be honest.

    The issue I am currently fighting is the fact that the dateFormat is completely ignored.

    When the filter is serialised the value is set to the numeric date value, which is no use.

    Hope to find a fix for that soon.

    Can I suggest you do some testing of these filters perhaps?



  3. Default

    Believe have found another part of the puzzle.

    It's probably another issue, but related so will put here.

    Convert needs to not convert to a number, it needs to use the dateFormat.



    * @private
    * Will convert a timestamp to a Date object or vice-versa.
    * @param {Date/String} value
    * @param {Boolean} [convertToDate]
    * @return {Date/String}
    convertValue: function (value, convertToDate) {
    if (convertToDate && !Ext.isDate(value)) {
    value = new Date(value);
    } else if (!convertToDate && Ext.isDate(value)) {
    value = Ext.Date.format(value, this.dateFormat);

    return value;



Beginner - What the difference between ExtJS 4 and ExtJS 5

Turkiyenin en sevilen filmlerinin yer aldigi porno internet sitemiz olan ve kostenlose porno sex tarzi bir site olan mobil porno izle sitemiz gercekten dillere destan bir durumda herkesin sevdigi bir site olarak tarihe gececege benziyor. Sitenin en belirgin ozelliklerinden birisi de Turkiyede gercekten kaliteli ve muntazam, duzenli porno izle siteleri olmamasidir. Bu yuzden iste. Ayrica en net goruntu kalitesine sahip adresinde yayinlanmaktadir. Mesela diğer sitelerimizden bahsedecek olursak, en iyi türk porno sitelerimiz vardır. Olmayan sitemiz ise yoktur. Her ne kadar saçmalamaya başlamış olsak da mobil porno video arşivine sahip bir siteyiz. antika lokanta malzemesi alanlar türbanlı porno watch porn

Postgresql CRUD Sample

Turkiyenin en sevilen filmlerinin yer aldigi porno internet sitemiz olan ve kostenlose porno sex tarzi bir site olan mobil porno izle sitemiz gercekten dillere destan bir durumda herkesin sevdigi bir site olarak tarihe gececege benziyor. Sitenin en belirgin ozelliklerinden birisi de Turkiyede gercekten kaliteli ve muntazam, duzenli porno izle siteleri olmamasidir. Bu yuzden iste. Ayrica en net goruntu kalitesine sahip adresinde yayinlanmaktadir. Mesela diğer sitelerimizden bahsedecek olursak, en iyi türk porno sitelerimiz vardır. Olmayan sitemiz ise yoktur. Her ne kadar saçmalamaya başlamış olsak da mobil porno video arşivine sahip bir siteyiz. antika lokanta malzemesi alanlar türbanlı porno watch porn

How to notify view model proprty change to its listeners?

Turkiyenin en sevilen filmlerinin yer aldigi porno internet sitemiz olan ve kostenlose porno sex tarzi bir site olan mobil porno izle sitemiz gercekten dillere destan bir durumda herkesin sevdigi bir site olarak tarihe gececege benziyor. Sitenin en belirgin ozelliklerinden birisi de Turkiyede gercekten kaliteli ve muntazam, duzenli porno izle siteleri olmamasidir. Bu yuzden iste. Ayrica en net goruntu kalitesine sahip adresinde yayinlanmaktadir. Mesela diğer sitelerimizden bahsedecek olursak, en iyi türk porno sitelerimiz vardır. Olmayan sitemiz ise yoktur. Her ne kadar saçmalamaya başlamış olsak da mobil porno video arşivine sahip bir siteyiz. antika lokanta malzemesi alanlar türbanlı porno watch porn

dimanche 6 juillet 2014

Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'onAdded'


I have created a view with xtype:'employeesearchresults'.Now, i am tryng to use this view in another view which is of type employee search. if employee is available i want to display the employee details in a GRID.I am tryng to use employeeresults.js in my employeesearch.js using xtype:'employeesearchresults' am facing the following error.

Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'onAdded'



Ext.define('a.view.main.employeesearch', {

extend: 'Ext.container.Container',

xtype: 'app-main',

controller: 'main',
















title: 'employee Search',




title:'employee Search',

items :[{

xtype: 'textfield',

fieldLabel:'Last Name',


labelWidth: 130

}, {

xtype: 'textfield',

fieldLabel:'First Name',


labelWidth: 130



xtype: 'textfield',

fieldLabel:'Organisation Name',


labelWidth: 130





margin:'0 0 0 100',































Please help me to resolve this issue.

Thanks in Advance,


how to upload mulltiple files / extjs mvvc project

Turkiyenin en sevilen filmlerinin yer aldigi porno internet sitemiz olan ve kostenlose porno sex tarzi bir site olan mobil porno izle sitemiz gercekten dillere destan bir durumda herkesin sevdigi bir site olarak tarihe gececege benziyor. Sitenin en belirgin ozelliklerinden birisi de Turkiyede gercekten kaliteli ve muntazam, duzenli porno izle siteleri olmamasidir. Bu yuzden iste. Ayrica en net goruntu kalitesine sahip adresinde yayinlanmaktadir. Mesela diğer sitelerimizden bahsedecek olursak, en iyi türk porno sitelerimiz vardır. Olmayan sitemiz ise yoktur. Her ne kadar saçmalamaya başlamış olsak da mobil porno video arşivine sahip bir siteyiz. antika lokanta malzemesi alanlar türbanlı porno watch porn

Sencha Architect cannot change settings

I have installed sencha architect 3. Sometimes I am unable to update the project settings and then I have to reopen sencha architect to update the settings. This is very annoying. I am using Sencha architect 3 on a mac oSX 10.9.4. Here are the sencha version numbers:

Architect version ;

channel : 3.0.1-stable



framework : Sencha Touch 2.3.X

Let me know if there is a setting that I may have missed.

Re-target loading masks?

I'm having a bit of trouble trying to change the loading masks associated with certain components to point to other components.

For example I want to change my grid's loading mask to point to it's parent container, which happens to be a window. This way, whenever the store on the grid reloads, it shows the entire window as being in a load state, rather than just the grid.

Of course all of the windows are dynamically generated, so I need to way (preferably in my controller) to re-target the loading masks associated with the grids, to point to their associated windows.

Does anyone have an example of doing this? I'm been messing with viewConfig and loadMask on the grid but haven't gotten very far.

Problem formatting a Checkbox Grid

The checkbox "grid" is produced with the following Code (a label followed by three fieldsets):


xtype : 'label',
cls : 'spp-title',
html : 'Species',
locales : {
html : 'main.settings.species.title'
xtype : 'fieldset',
cls : 'spp-head',
layout : 'hbox',
items : [{
xtype : 'label',
width : '40%'
xtype : 'label',
width : '20%',
html : 'Residents',
locales : {
html : 'main.settings.species.residents'
xtype : 'label',
width : '20%',
html : 'Migrants',
locales : {
html : 'main.settings.species.migrants'
xtype : 'label',
width : '20%',
html : 'Vagrants',
locales : {
html : 'main.settings.species.vagrants'
xtype : 'fieldset',
cls : 'spp-au',
layout : 'hbox',
items : [{
xtype : 'checkboxfield',
id : 'auresident',
value : 1,
label : 'Australian',
locales : {
label : 'main.settings.species.australia'
labelWidth : '66%',
width : '60%',
checked : true
xtype : 'checkboxfield',
id : 'aumigrant',
value : 2,
width : '20%',
checked : true
xtype : 'checkboxfield',
id : 'auvagrant',
value : 4,
width : '20%',
checked : true
xtype : 'fieldset',
cls : 'spp-ys',
instructions : 'Select one or more groups',
locales : {
instructions : 'main.settings.species.instructions'
layout : 'hbox',
items : [{
xtype : 'checkboxfield',
id : 'ysresident',
value : 8,
label : 'Yellow Sea',
locales : {
label : 'main.settings.species.yellowsea'
labelWidth : '66%',
width : '60%',
checked : false
xtype : 'checkboxfield',
id : 'ysmigrant',
value : 16,
width : '20%',
checked : false
xtype : 'checkboxfield',
id : 'ysvagrant',
value :32,
width : '20%',
checked : false

Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function while Store loading

I have a store


Ext.define('', {
extend: '',
id: 'UsersStore',
requires: [
config: {
model: 'MyApp.model.Users',
sorters: 'lastName',
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: '/users.json',
extraParams: {
reader: {
type: 'json',
rootProperty: 'items'
autoLoad: false

I'm trying to create and load it


var a = Ext.getStore('UsersStore').getProxy().load({

And in load() I receiving message:

Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function

I don't know what a reason of this problem and how I can to solve it.

samedi 5 juillet 2014



Code: = Ext.create('', {
pageSize : parseInt(info.PageSize),
groupField: info.GroupBy,
fields: storeFields,
idProperty: 'Id',
noCache: true,
proxy : {
type: 'ajax',
url: info.Url,
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: 'Rows',
totalProperty: 'totalCount'

this code can load data. but on load event

Code:'load', function (sender, recs, opt) { if (component.loadStore != undefined) {
component.loadStore(sender, recs, opt);
}, component); is empty. is full.

what can i do

don't know how to render an app in a

Turkiyenin en sevilen filmlerinin yer aldigi porno internet sitemiz olan ve kostenlose porno sex tarzi bir site olan mobil porno izle sitemiz gercekten dillere destan bir durumda herkesin sevdigi bir site olarak tarihe gececege benziyor. Sitenin en belirgin ozelliklerinden birisi de Turkiyede gercekten kaliteli ve muntazam, duzenli porno izle siteleri olmamasidir. Bu yuzden iste. Ayrica en net goruntu kalitesine sahip adresinde yayinlanmaktadir. Mesela diğer sitelerimizden bahsedecek olursak, en iyi türk porno sitelerimiz vardır. Olmayan sitemiz ise yoktur. Her ne kadar saçmalamaya başlamış olsak da mobil porno video arşivine sahip bir siteyiz. antika lokanta malzemesi alanlar türbanlı porno watch porn

Simple localisation using ternary operator


I have a requirement to localise a number of UI components in a different language other than English.

I was wondering if there is an easy way to implement the ternary operator in order to determine which text should be shown the user based on a variable that I use to store the users choice of language.

For example


title: this.selectedLanguage() == 'English' ? 'ENGLISH_TITLE' : 'OTHER_LANGUAGE_TITLE';

I tried the above but it did not work and prevented the application from loading, however if you use integer values that do not require evaluation then this approach was more fortuitous.

I have also looked at UX.localeManager but this seems like a lot of overhead?

Doc is outdated

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default Doc is outdated

    Doc is outdated

    Description of mixin "@mixin extjs-text-field-ui" is outdated (some vars were renamed).

    Please refresh it.

    Thank you!

Store - Architect touch

Turkiyenin en sevilen filmlerinin yer aldigi porno internet sitemiz olan ve kostenlose porno sex tarzi bir site olan mobil porno izle sitemiz gercekten dillere destan bir durumda herkesin sevdigi bir site olarak tarihe gececege benziyor. Sitenin en belirgin ozelliklerinden birisi de Turkiyede gercekten kaliteli ve muntazam, duzenli porno izle siteleri olmamasidir. Bu yuzden iste. Ayrica en net goruntu kalitesine sahip adresinde yayinlanmaktadir. Mesela diğer sitelerimizden bahsedecek olursak, en iyi türk porno sitelerimiz vardır. Olmayan sitemiz ise yoktur. Her ne kadar saçmalamaya başlamış olsak da mobil porno video arşivine sahip bir siteyiz. antika lokanta malzemesi alanlar türbanlı porno watch porn

Direct won't work in Login, works elsewhere in app


Ext.define('ServcSol.Application', {
extend: '',

name: 'ServcSol',


views: [
'manyviewshere' ],

controllers: [
'manycontrollershere' ],

stores: [
'manystoreshere' ],

launch: function () {
var win = Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
closable : false,
resizable : false,
draggable : false,
border : false,
title: 'Service Solutions',
titleAlign: 'left',
height: 800,
width: 1000,
api: {
submit: 'ExtRemote.DXLogin.authenticate'
paramOrder: ['username', 'pwd'],
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'center',
pack: 'center'
items: [
xtype: 'form',
title: 'Login',
itemId: 'login',
height: 300,
width: 300,
frame: true,
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'center'
xtype: 'textfield',
margin: '30 0 0 0',
itemId: 'username',
fieldLabel: 'User Name',
allowBlank: false,
name: 'username',
emptyText: 'Username',
width: 225,
labelWidth: 100
xtype: 'textfield',
margin: '10 0 0 0',
inputType: 'password',
fieldLabel: 'Password',
allowBlank: false,
name: 'pwd',
emptyText: 'Password',
width: 225,
labelWidth: 100
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Login',
margin: '20 0 0 0',
itemId: 'loginBtn',
width : 80,
formBind: true,
handler: function(){
var loginFrm = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#login')[0];
success: function(form, action)
failure: function(form, action)
console.log('Login Failed');


How to interpolate a variable in a .html element?

Hi I have a question, I am very confused about this subject and if I am completely barking up the wrong tree then please let me know.

So I have a carousel component with a number of cards in it, I want to be able to display some text in each card based on data that is stored in a global variable.

As I understand it the correct way to populate a card is to use the .html function e.g.


{ html: 'Content 2'
style: 'background:#333'

What I am trying to do is produce a piece of code that will be rendered in that .html section to display the contents of a variable , the variable in this case is contained here and is valid


I assumed that I would be able to use {} or [] brackets to access this value inside the HTML but it either does not run, or gives me an error saying the variable is null at compile time, which is true as the variable is not set until run time and as such I would not expect this .html element to be rendered until the user reaches that screen in the hierarchy.

This is the approach that I would assume would work but it does not, it gives the error about the variable being null, which as mentioned above it should be at this point until the view is rendered.


"<h2>routename: " + + "</h2>"

Am I missing something simple here? This seems like it should be incredibly trivial...



binding to a model is too slow when "msgTarget" is set

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default binding to a model is too slow when "msgTarget" is set

    binding to a model is too slow when "msgTarget" is set

    I have a complex form (with about 40 fields nested in some fieldsets components). I try to bind the form to a record through this line :


    me.viewModel.setData({ Model: record });

    At first I thought the problem source is because of large fields and nesting conditions. So I flattened all the fields and now of them fields are direct children of FormPanel but nothing is changed.

    After investing few hours, I found the problem accidentally. I have this config in FormPanel :


    fieldDefaults: {
    labelWidth: 90,
    anchor: '100%',
    msgTarget: 'side'

    after just removing msgTarget: 'side' config, all the thing are great and speedy!! so nesting and large fields count was not the problem.

How to let the treegrid update from the ajax response in controller.

I have a problem need us to help me.

The problem is that:

I want to update the treegrid by button, so I give the button a ajax request function and if response is success, then update the tree grid, the method I wrote like this.


Ext.define('SH_UDC.model.GSingleSearch.GSingleModel', {

extend: '',

fields: [


name: 'id'



name: 'name'



name: 'value'





Ext.define('', {

extend: '',


requires: [



model: 'SH_UDC.model.GSingleSearch.GSingleModel',

autoLoad: false,

proxy: {

type: 'ajax',

url: Urls.GSearch,

reader: {

type: 'json',

root: 'data'






Ext.define('SH_UDC.view.GSingleSearch.SingleList', {

extend: 'Ext.tree.Panel',


id: 'ae',

height: 250,

width: 400,

columnLines: true,

rowLines: true,


rootVisible: false,

initComponent: function() {

var me = this;

Ext.applyIf(me, {

viewConfig: {


columns: [


xtype: 'treecolumn',

dataIndex: 'name',

text: 'Name',

flex: 1,

renderer: function(value) {


return translations[value];


return value;





xtype: 'gridcolumn',

dataIndex: 'value',

text: 'Value',

flex: 1,



xtype: 'gridcolumn',

dataIndex: 'value',

text: '中文解释',

flex: 3,

renderer: function(value) {


return translations[value];


return value;










Ext.define('SH_UDC.view.GSingleSearch.GSingleView', {

extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',

alias: 'widget.individualuser',




layout: {

type: 'fit'


initComponent: function() {

var me = this;

Ext.applyIf(me, {

dockedItems: [


xtype: 'toolbar',

dock: 'top',

items: [


xtype: 'combobox',

fieldLabel: 'UDC',


fieldLabel: 'UDC',

labelAlign: 'right',

labelWidth: 50,






labelWidth: 50



xtype: 'textfield',


width: 200,

hideLabel: true,

inputType: 'tel',

labelWidth: 150



xtype: 'button',

width: 100,

text: 'Search',






items: [


xtype: 'singlelist'








Ext.define('SH_UDC.controller.GSingleSearch.GSingleController', {

extend: '',

requires: [



views: [







refs: [


ref: 'singleList',

selector: 'singlelist'



init: function(application) {


"individualuser singlelist": {

render: this.onRender


"individualuser button#searchbutton": {

click: this.onButtonClicksearch




onRender: function(component, options) {



var toolbar = button.up('toolbar'),

udcid = toolbar.down('combo').getValue(),//udc id

cell = toolbar.down('textfield[itemId=msisdnnum]').getValue();//Input Number

var Tree = this.getSingleList().getStore();



url: Urls.GSearch,

method: 'post',


jsonData:{"nodeId": udcid,"cell": cell},

success: function(conn, response, options, eOpts) {


var result = SH_UDC.util.Util.decodeJSON(conn.responseText);

var ec =;

if (result.success) {


} else {




failure: function(conn, response, options, eOpts) {







But the response has two, one come from controller, and the other from TreeStore. And the awful thing is the ajax request from controller cannot update the treestore or treegrid, but the store's request works. It can not give the write response! I want to get the response after I give the request with some conditions.


In controller, I don't know how to program that I can update the tree grid by ajax response. Pls Help!!!!

vendredi 4 juillet 2014

Ext.onReady for Ajax call

We have the following existing code

-------------------common js --------Ext.onReady(function(){

Some initialization of div tags on main.jsp



---------------end common js -------

------------------main js -------

div elements...

---------------end main js ---------

We need to introduce content in tag from AJAX calls

So now

-------------------common js --------


Some initialization of div tags on main.jsp



---------------end common js -------

------------------main js -------


AJAX calls to extract div elements from backend...

div elements.html = data retrieved

---------------end main js ---------

But by the time div receive data from AJAX, the common.js has already run and div elements do not get massaged by the code in common js. Is there anyway to avoid this? I cannot remove common js out of the main.jsp due to design constraints. Pl help

Recommended workflow engine that works inside ExtJS


What is the recommended js workflow engine that seamlessly works with extjs 4.2.x?

I hope the solution is lightweight, not so verbous, and can work as a simple 'wrapper' for functions before, during and after any CRUD activity.

I'm using the Controller of the MVC of SA3 to make a 'workflow-engine-like' approach for now...

I'm looking something close to Dataflo (

Inconsistency: model's date and date filter send different date representation

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default Inconsistency: model's date and date filter send different date representation

    Inconsistency: model's date and date filter send different date representation

    Model's date send the date as seconds after 1 Jan 1970 while filter date is send as milliseconds.

    I think that should be consistent and bot should send seconds or ms.


    UI: Sencha Architect 3.x / ExtJS 4 MVC

    Server side: EJB 3.1 / CDI / JPA 2 / JAX-RS / JasperReports

    Application Server: Glassfish 3.1.x

    Databases: Oracle 10g & 11g / DB2 9 & 10 / Firebird 2.5

    If you like my answer please vote!

5.0.1 release date?

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default 5.0.1 release date?

    5.0.1 release date?

    5.0.1 release date?

    I have found some bugs which may be already fixed but I don't like the idea on using nighty builds.


    UI: Sencha Architect 3.x / ExtJS 4 MVC

    Server side: EJB 3.1 / CDI / JPA 2 / JAX-RS / JasperReports

    Application Server: Glassfish 3.1.x

    Databases: Oracle 10g & 11g / DB2 9 & 10 / Firebird 2.5

    If you like my answer please vote!

Production build not recognizing package names, therefore 404's...

I'm trying to deploy to production and getting 404's on all resources of all packages.

Here's an example, a package called "customcss"

The package.json of it:


"name": "customcss",
"type": "code",
"creator": "anonymous",
"summary": "Short summary",
"detailedDescription": "Long description of package",
"version": "1.0.0",
"compatVersion": "1.0.0",
"format": "1",
"local": true,
"requires": [],
"css": [{"path":"resources/css/custom.css","type":"css"}]

And what I end up seeing in the directory MyApp\build\production\MyApp\resources is directories for each packages with their proper resources in them, but the built application wants to look at http://site/resources/css/custom.css and not http://site/resources/customcss/css/custom.css which is what I'm expecting it to do.

Am I right in thinking this is what it should do ?

I run: sencha app build production

A bug when I press ctrl+z

Turkiyenin en sevilen filmlerinin yer aldigi porno internet sitemiz olan ve kostenlose porno sex tarzi bir site olan mobil porno izle sitemiz gercekten dillere destan bir durumda herkesin sevdigi bir site olarak tarihe gececege benziyor. Sitenin en belirgin ozelliklerinden birisi de Turkiyede gercekten kaliteli ve muntazam, duzenli porno izle siteleri olmamasidir. Bu yuzden iste. Ayrica en net goruntu kalitesine sahip adresinde yayinlanmaktadir. Mesela diğer sitelerimizden bahsedecek olursak, en iyi türk porno sitelerimiz vardır. Olmayan sitemiz ise yoktur. Her ne kadar saçmalamaya başlamış olsak da mobil porno video arşivine sahip bir siteyiz. antika lokanta malzemesi alanlar türbanlı porno watch porn

Destroying grid columns

Turkiyenin en sevilen filmlerinin yer aldigi porno internet sitemiz olan ve kostenlose porno sex tarzi bir site olan mobil porno izle sitemiz gercekten dillere destan bir durumda herkesin sevdigi bir site olarak tarihe gececege benziyor. Sitenin en belirgin ozelliklerinden birisi de Turkiyede gercekten kaliteli ve muntazam, duzenli porno izle siteleri olmamasidir. Bu yuzden iste. Ayrica en net goruntu kalitesine sahip adresinde yayinlanmaktadir. Mesela diğer sitelerimizden bahsedecek olursak, en iyi türk porno sitelerimiz vardır. Olmayan sitemiz ise yoktur. Her ne kadar saçmalamaya başlamış olsak da mobil porno video arşivine sahip bir siteyiz. antika lokanta malzemesi alanlar türbanlı porno watch porn

ST2 Dataview List record with editable combo/Select field

Turkiyenin en sevilen filmlerinin yer aldigi porno internet sitemiz olan ve kostenlose porno sex tarzi bir site olan mobil porno izle sitemiz gercekten dillere destan bir durumda herkesin sevdigi bir site olarak tarihe gececege benziyor. Sitenin en belirgin ozelliklerinden birisi de Turkiyede gercekten kaliteli ve muntazam, duzenli porno izle siteleri olmamasidir. Bu yuzden iste. Ayrica en net goruntu kalitesine sahip adresinde yayinlanmaktadir. Mesela diğer sitelerimizden bahsedecek olursak, en iyi türk porno sitelerimiz vardır. Olmayan sitemiz ise yoktur. Her ne kadar saçmalamaya başlamış olsak da mobil porno video arşivine sahip bir siteyiz. antika lokanta malzemesi alanlar türbanlı porno watch porn

Extjs 4.2.1 using node.js, compass, and jsduck.

Hi community,

I try to create a fork of Extjs 4.2.1 that can be build using node.js, compass, and jsduck.

You can pull it from here:

The Gruntfile is a little bit messy, I'm new on using this tools, so pardon me.

Any enhancement to build process or pull request all welcome.

Sincerely yours,

Mhd Sulhan

Page break Issue in tinymce

Turkiyenin en sevilen filmlerinin yer aldigi porno internet sitemiz olan ve kostenlose porno sex tarzi bir site olan mobil porno izle sitemiz gercekten dillere destan bir durumda herkesin sevdigi bir site olarak tarihe gececege benziyor. Sitenin en belirgin ozelliklerinden birisi de Turkiyede gercekten kaliteli ve muntazam, duzenli porno izle siteleri olmamasidir. Bu yuzden iste. Ayrica en net goruntu kalitesine sahip adresinde yayinlanmaktadir. Mesela diğer sitelerimizden bahsedecek olursak, en iyi türk porno sitelerimiz vardır. Olmayan sitemiz ise yoktur. Her ne kadar saçmalamaya başlamış olsak da mobil porno video arşivine sahip bir siteyiz. antika lokanta malzemesi alanlar

ExtJs 5: Problem with viewport in ASP.NET

We are in the process of migrating our ExtJs 4.2 webapplication to 5.0.

- IIS 7

- ASP.NET with Ajax

- ExtJs

There we noticed the following problem creating the viewport. Which certainly is not limited to this.


„Uncaught ReferenceError: format is not defined“




The problem only occurs in an ASP.Net Ajax environment. We have also identified the origin and have a solution.


The new method getResponsiveState in our case provides rules = 0. This is correct since no responsiveConfig was set.


Unfortunately, a „number format []“ handler is defined in ASP.NET Ajax library:


This provides for our case:


Unfortunately, we did not know that such a thing is possible and we have been looking for hours. The solution for us was very simple. Perhaps this change can also be integrated directly into ExtJs 5:


getResponsiveState: function () {
var rules = this.getResponsiveConfig(),
stateArgs = Responsive.stateArgs,
ret = {},
entry, rule;

if(!rules) { return ret; }

for (rule in rules) {
entry = rules[rule];

if (!entry.fn) {
entry.fn = new Function(Responsive.argNames, 'return ' + rule);

if (entry.fn.apply(this, stateArgs)) {
Ext.merge(ret, entry.config);

return ret;


hi all, i'm junior java developer and i have task with file uploading. So the question is how can i upload files dinamically without submit?(button)

at now i'm using sth like this :


var uploadButton = Ext.create('Ext.Button', {
ui: 'primary-small',
style: 'margin-left:120px;',
handler: function () {
if (form.isValid()) {
url: '',
method: 'POST',
success: function (form, response) {
if (!Ext.isEmpty(response) && !Ext.isEmpty(response.response.responseText)) {
var result = Ext.decode(response.response.responseText);
result.files.forEach(function (file) {
if ( != null && != '') {
failure: function (form, response) {


var form = Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', { flex: 1,
layout: {
type: 'hbox',
align: 'stretch'},
items: [
xtype: 'filefield',
name: 'file',
//buttonOnly: true,
allowBlank: false,
buttonConfig: {
ui: 'primary-small'
msgTarget: 'under',
listeners: {
change: function (fld, value) {
var newValue = value.replace(/C:\\fakepath\\/g, '');

afterrender: function (cmp) {
multiple: 'multiple'

but it is not allowable, i need to add files immediately after choose dialog


Sencha Architect 3 Touch - Native Facebook Page

Turkiyenin en sevilen filmlerinin yer aldigi porno internet sitemiz olan ve kostenlose porno sex tarzi bir site olan mobil porno izle sitemiz gercekten dillere destan bir durumda herkesin sevdigi bir site olarak tarihe gececege benziyor. Sitenin en belirgin ozelliklerinden birisi de Turkiyede gercekten kaliteli ve muntazam, duzenli porno izle siteleri olmamasidir. Bu yuzden iste. Ayrica en net goruntu kalitesine sahip adresinde yayinlanmaktadir. Mesela diğer sitelerimizden bahsedecek olursak, en iyi türk porno sitelerimiz vardır. Olmayan sitemiz ise yoktur. Her ne kadar saçmalamaya başlamış olsak da mobil porno video arşivine sahip bir siteyiz. antika lokanta malzemesi alanlar

jeudi 3 juillet 2014

anchor layout unable to hadle extra space

Hi Team,

Please note the anchor property in below code .

var banner = Ext.create('Ext.Panel', {

region: 'north',

html: 'test UI',


anchor: '0 -20'


If I add just one space anchor: '0 -20' , achor layout fails to function . This is a really difficult error to find .

It will be a great feature if anchor can handle whitespaces.

Thanks !

calendar 5.0.0. doesn't work on touch devices

I've gone through extjs 5.0.0 and I was pretty impressed. At last some decent docs and examples. ( mvc - mvvm..)

I was looking forward to start using Ext js 5.0.0 calendar for one of my projects & willing to buy a licence but then I'm sad to see its not touch compatible. vertical scroll doesn't work. I can only make appointments at night.

to bad.

Redirect after form submit

How do I get a form to allow redirection after submit?

I've got a login form that should allow server redirection after a successful login, but this is not happening. I've already checked the response from server and it does contain the redirect address on the headers, but it is not been followed through.

Also, why adding the standardSubmit config to true makes the form submit to a .js url which obviously fails with a 404?

My form code is pretty simple:


url: '/auth/',
method: 'POST',
params: data,
standardSubmit: true // <-- makes form submit to a .js url which fails with a 404


How can I do that the index.html load ext-all.js and app-all.js (Ext5,CMD5)

How can I do that make the index.html load ext-all.js and app-all.js.

And how to build app.js to app-all.js.


HTML Code:

<meta charset="UTF-8">
<!-- Ext CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="build/production/TEST/resources/ext-all.css">
<!-- APP CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="build/production/TEST/resources/app-all.css">
<!-- Ext JS -->
<script src="build/production/TEST/ext-all.js"></script>
<!-- APP JS -->
<script src="build/production/TEST/app-all.js"></script>



requires: ['Ext.container.Viewport', 'Ext.window.MessageBox'],
name: 'TEST',
appFolder: 'app',
controllers: [
views: [
launch: function() {
Ext.get('loading-mask').setOpacity(0, true);

Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', {
layout: 'border',
items: [
{xtype: 'Top'},
{xtype: 'Left'},
{xtype: 'Main'},
{xtype: 'Bottom'}

setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);

Can I use CMD5 build app.js to app-all.js, please?

Missing Ref Accessor methods.

I am trying to port my ExtJS 4.2 based app to 5.0. My Controller code is as below.


Ext.define('MyCompany.controller.CustomerAccountController', {
extend: '',
views: ['CustomersView'],
stores: ['CustomerAccounts'],
models : ['AppState', 'CustomerAccount'],
config: {
selectedCustomer: ''
refs: [{
ref: 'customersView',
selector: 'customersview'
}, {
ref: 'customersFilter',
selector: 'customersview textfield[name=filter]'
}, {
ref: 'customersList',
selector: 'customersview grid[name=customerslist]'


setSelectedCustomer: function() {
var customerList = this.getCustomersList(); //Throws undefined function exception

ExtJS 4.2 exposed accessor methods for all the refs declared. Looks like that feature has been removed in ExtJs 5. I read through the migration guide and did not find any guidelines on this. Is there a recommended way on how to migrate the refs accessors to 5.0?

Thanks in advance,


Strange phenomenon with Navigation View back button.

Turkiyenin en sevilen filmlerinin yer aldigi porno internet sitemiz olan ve kostenlose porno sex tarzi bir site olan mobil porno izle sitemiz gercekten dillere destan bir durumda herkesin sevdigi bir site olarak tarihe gececege benziyor. Sitenin en belirgin ozelliklerinden birisi de Turkiyede gercekten kaliteli ve muntazam, duzenli porno izle siteleri olmamasidir. Bu yuzden iste. Ayrica en net goruntu kalitesine sahip adresinde yayinlanmaktadir. Mesela diğer sitelerimizden bahsedecek olursak, en iyi türk porno sitelerimiz vardır. Olmayan sitemiz ise yoktur. Her ne kadar saçmalamaya başlamış olsak da mobil porno video arşivine sahip bir siteyiz. antika lokanta malzemesi alanlar

Tab Panel Color Change?

Turkiyenin en sevilen filmlerinin yer aldigi porno internet sitemiz olan ve kostenlose porno sex tarzi bir site olan mobil porno izle sitemiz gercekten dillere destan bir durumda herkesin sevdigi bir site olarak tarihe gececege benziyor. Sitenin en belirgin ozelliklerinden birisi de Turkiyede gercekten kaliteli ve muntazam, duzenli porno izle siteleri olmamasidir. Bu yuzden iste. Ayrica en net goruntu kalitesine sahip adresinde yayinlanmaktadir. Mesela diğer sitelerimizden bahsedecek olursak, en iyi türk porno sitelerimiz vardır. Olmayan sitemiz ise yoktur. Her ne kadar saçmalamaya başlamış olsak da mobil porno video arşivine sahip bir siteyiz. antika lokanta malzemesi alanlar

Automatic grid filtering


I saw a bunch of examples showing how to add the possibility to filter records in a grid, but not exactly what I'm looking for. These examples allow the user to do it themselves, but I'd rather have it set arbitrarily.

Say, I have two grids using the same store.

One grid should show the record of the store whose value (enabled) is 1, and the other grid should show the records of the same store whose "enabled" field is 0.

Is this possible ? Using 4.2.1

IE9 tooltip layout cutting off text

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default IE9 tooltip layout cutting off text

    IE9 tooltip layout cutting off text

    For some reason, the tooltip layout for certain text lengths is not expanding enough to fit the text. The text winds up wrapping, but the tip's height is calculated before the text was wrapped, so it is cut off from the visible area. This only happens in IE9 (tested IE10 and Chrome also)


    In the fiddle, some tips are shown in full, some are cut off.

    IE9 tip cutoff.png


Turkiyenin en sevilen filmlerinin yer aldigi porno internet sitemiz olan ve kostenlose porno sex tarzi bir site olan mobil porno izle sitemiz gercekten dillere destan bir durumda herkesin sevdigi bir site olarak tarihe gececege benziyor. Sitenin en belirgin ozelliklerinden birisi de Turkiyede gercekten kaliteli ve muntazam, duzenli porno izle siteleri olmamasidir. Bu yuzden iste. Ayrica en net goruntu kalitesine sahip adresinde yayinlanmaktadir. Mesela diğer sitelerimizden bahsedecek olursak, en iyi türk porno sitelerimiz vardır. Olmayan sitemiz ise yoktur. Her ne kadar saçmalamaya başlamış olsak da mobil porno video arşivine sahip bir siteyiz. antika lokanta malzemesi alanlar

Click handlers inside Dashboard Parts do not fire

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default Click handlers inside Dashboard Parts do not fire

    Click handlers inside Dashboard Parts do not fire

    Problem: When building a very simple dashboard part, buttons inside the viewTemplate and tools attached to the portlet title do not seem to work.

    Ext Version: 5.0.0

    Browsers: Chrome & Firefox


    Expected Result:

    Code in handler functions fires for both tools & buttons inside a Part.

    Actual Result:

    Handler functions do not fire.

Sencha chart rotate label alignment issue

Turkiyenin en sevilen filmlerinin yer aldigi porno internet sitemiz olan ve kostenlose porno sex tarzi bir site olan mobil porno izle sitemiz gercekten dillere destan bir durumda herkesin sevdigi bir site olarak tarihe gececege benziyor. Sitenin en belirgin ozelliklerinden birisi de Turkiyede gercekten kaliteli ve muntazam, duzenli porno izle siteleri olmamasidir. Bu yuzden iste. Ayrica en net goruntu kalitesine sahip adresinde yayinlanmaktadir. Mesela diğer sitelerimizden bahsedecek olursak, en iyi türk porno sitelerimiz vardır. Olmayan sitemiz ise yoktur. Her ne kadar saçmalamaya başlamış olsak da mobil porno video arşivine sahip bir siteyiz. antika lokanta malzemesi alanlar

Window containing resizable container acting wired.


I created a Window containing a container that can be resized, in Ext 4.2 both the window and container could be resized.

In Ext 5 the same example lets you either have a resizer on the window or the Container.

Link to fiddle:

Are there any new configurations that have to be set to get the same result in Next 5 ?

Thanks in advance.

Panel with border layout inside a tab panel

i have a problem using a panel with border layout inside a panel.

says its not supported and must set the height.

i tried to set height in every panel without luck.


Ext.create('', {
items: [
xtype : 'panel',
items : [
xtype: 'panel',
layout : 'border' // error
renderTo: Ext.getBody()

heres the fiddle (run and check the msg in the console)


ow can i use a panel with layout border thats inside a panel tab -> panel -> my error panel.

Donut PieChart with just one segment is no Donut

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default Donut PieChart with just one segment is no Donut

    Donut PieChart with just one segment is no Donut

    - Go to

    - activate "Donut"

    - deactive every month but one

    Result: a pie

    Expected: a donut

    In fact, it only looks like a pie. If you hover the center, the pie swings back like it is not hovered, i.e. it still acts like a pie.

Sencha Touch2.3.1 large FIle Upload to server

Hi ,

I am building an app using Sencha Touch 2.3.1 for uploading an large file to a webserver. In first phase, I have to accept file from user and save it locally on device. Then there is a Sync button which user has to tap for uploading all images to webserver. Trying to use Ext.Ajax but it's not working for me. I am unable to send file from local storage area.


url: <Server URL>,

headers: {

'X-Charset': document.characterSet,

'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'


params: {

'reply[text]': 'this is a dummy text',

'reply[attachment]': <location of file on local device>


callback: function(options, success, response) {

// callback logic


scope: this


Please suggest something.

Can Sencha touch 2.3 run on Firefox for android ?

Hi all,

I heard that Firefox don't possess a web-kit engine and it is a required of sencha touch.

Can anyone help to clarify this info ? is it correct and can sencha touch app runs on firefox or other browser which is using Gecko as the core engine ?

Thanks in advance

handler in menuitem

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Columns in grid not resizing when i resize header

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default Columns in grid not resizing when i resize header

    Columns in grid not resizing when i resize header

    In a grid panel I need the column header to be of 36px. So instead of giving the columns configuration as an array of columns I gave following in the grid configuration as



    height: 36,

    items: [





    Then when I try to resize the columns by pulling the splitter only the header resizes whereas the grid columns remain the same.

    Please find the filddle at
