Hi, i have a simple window, which is loading its contents automatically like this:
Now, i want upon the component creation (and before the loader's ajax call), to add an additional parameter to the loader's params like this:
So - before the ajax call, the params config to contain additionalParam: 'paramValue' Any suggestions?
In fact, i accomplished this via the beforeload listener within the loader config like this:
But - i'm not sure if this is right approach
Ext.define('app.COMPONENTS.appVideoPlayer', {
extend: 'Ext.window.Window',
,title: 'Video Player'
,modal: true
,closable: true
,resizable: true
,width: 800, height: 600
,autoShow: true
url: '/video/videocam_loader.html'
,scripts: true
,autoLoad: true
,loadMask: true
,params: { additionalParam: '' }
,initComponent: function()
var me = this;
Now, i want upon the component creation (and before the loader's ajax call), to add an additional parameter to the loader's params like this:
Ext.create('app.COMPONENTS.appVideoPlayer', { paramToLoader: 'paramValue' });
So - before the ajax call, the params config to contain additionalParam: 'paramValue' Any suggestions?
In fact, i accomplished this via the beforeload listener within the loader config like this:
listeners: {
beforeload: function(loader, options)
options.params.additionalParam = loader.getTarget().paramToLoader;
But - i'm not sure if this is right approach
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