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Grid store sync calls wrong URL
Grid store sync calls wrong URL
Hi guys,
here's my store:
var store = Ext.create('', {
autoLoad: true,
autoSync: false,
model: 'AdminConsole.model.Property',
proxy: {
type: 'rest',
url: 'http://localhost:8111/storefront/rest/platform/property',
useDefaultXhrHeader : false,
reader: {
type: 'json'
and here's how I sync it:Code:
onSaveClick: function() {
var grid = Ext.getCmp('system-properties-grid');
success: function(batch, options) {
html: 'Successfully saved!',
closable: false,
align: 't',
slideInDuration: 400,
minWidth: 400
failure: function(batch, options) {
var error = Ext.decode(responseObject.responseText);
Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'Error: ' + error);
but when I try to sync it - a PUT request it made to this URL:Code:
http://localhost:8111/storefront/rest/platform/property/AdminConsole.model.Property-1?_dc=1403338276238 405 (Request method 'PUT' not supported)
and with extjs4 it was making a PUT request toCode:
samedi 21 juin 2014
Grid store sync calls wrong URL
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