You found a bug! We've classified it as
a bug in our system.
We encourage you to continue the discussion and to find an acceptable workaround while we work on a permanent fix.Error during Resize in Responsive Viewport
Error during Resize in Responsive Viewport
Resizing the viewport after it has rendered causes errors and for layout to not be altered
Ext version tested:Browser versions tested against:DOCTYPE tested against:Description:
- Viewport has 3 grids on it. Viewport's layout will be either vbox or hbox based on its width
- When width<1100, there will be 2 grids on 1 row, and 1 grid underneath them. (working)
- When width>=1100, all 3 grids will be on same row (working)
- Resizing the viewport should redraw grids using updated layout, but error causes grids to stay in original position (not working)
Steps to reproduce the problem:The result that was expected:- Grids to be repositioned based on the rules in the responsiveConfig when the viewport is resized
The result that occurs instead:
- No changes to the layout due to error in Ext.layout.Layout:moveItem
[OPEN] Error during Resize in Responsive Viewport
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