mardi 3 mars 2015

Bugs on datefield dosen't fire blur

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default Bugs on datefield dosen't fire blur

    Bugs on datefield dosen't fire blur


    i'm using ext 3.4

    I noticed that when i call method focus of an field, if the current field is a datafield, the event blur is not fired.

    As you can see after pressing the button click me the event is not fired. But it works if i click the mouse.



    Ext.onReady (function () {

    Ext.QuickTips .init();

    var myFormPanel = new Ext.form.FormPanel ({
    renderTo : Ext.getBody(),
    width : 700,
    title : 'Test' ,
    height : 360,
    frame : true ,
    id : 'myFormPanel' ,
    items : [
    fieldLabel : 'Data Creazione Da'
    , xtype : 'datefield'
    , format : 'd/m/Y'
    , id : 'mydate'
    , enableKeyEvents : 'true'
    , width : 100
    , maxLengthText : 10
    , minLengthText : 0,
    listeners : {
    'blur' : function () {
    console .log('mydate blur' );
    fieldLabel : 'Home' ,
    xtype : 'textfield' ,
    name : 'home' ,
    id : 'home' ,
    listeners : {
    'blur' : function () {
    console .log('home blur' );
    xtype :'button' ,
    text :'click me' ,
    handler: function ()
    Ext.getCmp('mydate' ).focus();
    setTimeout(function () {

    Ext.getCmp('home' ).focus();
    }, 2000);




  3. Default

    Thanks for the report. I added your code to this Fiddle:

    I don't seem to be able to recreate the issue though. The blur event on the datefield fires for me whenever I do anything while focused on it, be it clicking the button, clicking into the other field or clicking outside of the fields. Any suggestions for me to reproduce this?

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Bugs on datefield dosen't fire blur

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