I currently have the following in testing.properties:
How to configure testing build to not get cache disabled so the ?_dc=1425423183593
I currently have the following in testing.properties:
The same code does not work in ExtJS 4.2.1, also I tried in different ways using bodyEl.el.load(URL), nothing works.
Looked around so many ExtJS books, blogs, google and unable to find the equivalent code to make this work in ExtJS4.2.1.
Could someone please help me here?
It seems Sencha is working on plugins for JetBrains IDE's. I think that's great and could prove very useful. However, with this revelation I think we finally deserve an answer as to whether this new focus means the Eclipse plugin is dead. People have been asking about this in the forums for a year now with no reply.
I'd also like to know pricing, whether it's part of Sencha Complete, etc, though I'm sure that info would probably be saved for SenchaCon.
I hope this new plugin proves to be as good as it sounds and that Sencha maintains a commitment to keeping it up to date with future Ext releases.
In ExtJS3.4 we used the Ext.OnReady to kick off an ajax call, which returned all the localization data, and other stuff, before initializing the ViewPort. In Sencha Architect 3.2 there is a 'launch' hook to call custom code, but it does not have a way to defer the initialization until an ajax call has completed.
It is important for the application to ensure the strings are loaded.Can anyone suggest a way to achieve this in Sencha Architect 3.2 + ExtJS5.1?
Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.
i'm using ext 3.4
I noticed that when i call method focus of an field, if the current field is a datafield, the event blur is not fired.
As you can see after pressing the button click me the event is not fired. But it works if i click the mouse.Bye
Ext.onReady (function () {
Ext.QuickTips .init();
var myFormPanel = new Ext.form.FormPanel ({
renderTo : Ext.getBody(),
width : 700,
title : 'Test' ,
height : 360,
frame : true ,
id : 'myFormPanel' ,
items : [
fieldLabel : 'Data Creazione Da'
, xtype : 'datefield'
, format : 'd/m/Y'
, id : 'mydate'
, enableKeyEvents : 'true'
, width : 100
, maxLengthText : 10
, minLengthText : 0,
listeners : {
'blur' : function () {
console .log('mydate blur' );
fieldLabel : 'Home' ,
xtype : 'textfield' ,
name : 'home' ,
id : 'home' ,
listeners : {
'blur' : function () {
console .log('home blur' );
xtype :'button' ,
text :'click me' ,
handler: function ()
Ext.getCmp('mydate' ).focus();
setTimeout(function () {
Ext.getCmp('home' ).focus();
}, 2000);
Thanks for the report. I added your code to this Fiddle:
http://ift.tt/1CqOumPI don't seem to be able to recreate the issue though. The blur event on the datefield fires for me whenever I do anything while focused on it, be it clicking the button, clicking into the other field or clicking outside of the fields. Any suggestions for me to reproduce this?
Are you a Sencha products veteran who has wondered what it might be like to work at Sencha? If so, please reach out to our recruiting manager:
Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.
The Presence model validation accepts an empty space as valid input. This should probably protect against a user entering an empty space to bypass validation. We put in this overrideExt.define('Ext.overrides.PresenceValidator',{
override: 'Ext.data.validator.Presence',
validate: function(value) {
var valid = !(value === undefined || value === null);
if (valid && !this.getAllowEmpty()) {
valid = !(value === '' || (Ext.isString(value) && Ext.String.trim(value) === ''));
return valid ? true : this.getMessage();
You found a bug! We've classified it as
a bug in our system.
We encourage you to continue the discussion and to find an acceptable workaround while we work on a permanent fix.
Resizing the viewport after it has rendered causes errors and for layout to not be alteredExt version tested:Browser versions tested against:DOCTYPE tested against:Description:
- Viewport has 3 grids on it. Viewport's layout will be either vbox or hbox based on its width
- When width<1100, there will be 2 grids on 1 row, and 1 grid underneath them. (working)
- When width>=1100, all 3 grids will be on same row (working)
- Resizing the viewport should redraw grids using updated layout, but error causes grids to stay in original position (not working)
Steps to reproduce the problem:The result that was expected:
- Grids to be repositioned based on the rules in the responsiveConfig when the viewport is resized
The result that occurs instead:
- No changes to the layout due to error in Ext.layout.Layout:moveItem
I have a simple requirement to have a grid on the left which, when a row is clicked, a panel on the right displays various, changing pieces of information, formatted in HTML-type, rich formatting (different font sizes, types etc.).
The question is - what is the best way to realise the right-hand panel? I tried using HTML tags, but I can't get the right-hand panel to refresh/update.
I have added code to capture the selection change event in the left-hand grid and call a function that I want to use to update the details. The function is firing and the value changes, but nothing changes in the HTML that is displayed on screen.
Where am I going wrong with this approach, or is there a better approach?
var detailText = 'Plan Name';
function updateDetailsPanel() {
var planList = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
store: 'planStore',
columns: [{
text: 'Name',
dataIndex: 'Name',
flex: 1
listeners: {
selectionchange: function (grid, selected, eOpts) {
detailText = selected[0].get('Name');
var detailsPanel = Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
items: [{
html: '<h1>' + detailText + '</h1>'
}, {
html: '<p>Created: 12th March 2014</p>'
I have tried various other methods on the right-hand Panel, including doLayout and updateLayout, but have had no success there either.
JavaScript runtime error: Unable to add dynamic content. A script attempted to inject dynamic content, or elements previously modified dynamically, that might be unsafe. For example, using the innerHTML property or the document.write method to add a script element will generate this exception
Any idea why the above error is seen. How to resolve this issue?
I code with sencha for quite a while now, but didn't really get an idea, in which cases to add configuration in the config object (config: {})of some view. I know, that putting such configuration into the config object is the preferred way, put it had often been the case that my configuration simply had been ignored until I put it one level up of the config object (e.g. height and width).
And what about the array in the Ext.create-method?
Are there any strict rules to follow? It seems a bit laxly defined.
Bye The_Unknown
I have a server request that returns me a json string.
The json cannot be used directly into a treeStore, so I have to format it first and then put it in my store like this:
var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.TreeStore', {
root: parsedData
The json that I get from the server contains an array of parent objects (1200 items), and each parent contains around 5 items. The json file is around 8mo, but the problem is ot the json. The problem is that when I look in the html code (I'm using chrome debugger), every 1200 items of my store are rendered. Even if there are only 20 displayed.
I thougth that tree panel/grid were buffered by default, meaning that only the visible items are generated in the dom.
Am I missing something? Why do it get all items (1200) generated in the dom? (it makes the website very slow ^^")!
Thanks in advance !
PS: I can't call the result from the server in several parts/pages. I have to load all the 1200 items in one time.
Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.
There are major problems with tagfield. Here is another one. I think you guys need to invest in testing a lot. It's really frustrating with the amount of bugs you guys have. And then on top of it, there is no workaround suggested.
Is there a way to extend 'Ext.data.Model' as a common base class and then configure certain aspects for all models using a 'Schema' component.
I'm trying to mimic the doc examples using Architect 3.1 without much success, and starting to wonder if I'm trying to do something that is as of now unsupported or incomplete.
And somewhat related, since it would be next step, how does one create Associations via the schema using 'entityName'. The toolbox shows 'HasMany Association (Legacy)' so am I correct in assuming there is another (modern)model way to declare an association between two models.
When I add a legend, its default config is like this:
legend: {
xtype: 'legend',
itemSelector: 'div',
itemTpl: [
'Data View Item {string}'
legend: {
docked: 'bottom'
Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.
Ext version:
- Chrome Version 40.0.2214.115 m
Steps to reproduce:
- Open - http://ift.tt/1DyGZFu
- Select Framework ExtJS Classic and run the fiddle.
- Click header of the collapsed "West" panel to float it.
- Click arrow of the placeholder to expand it.
Expected behavior:
Load mask disappears after loading.Actual behavior:
Load mask will hang there and never disappear.
It is working good with ExtJS Classic selected.
Are you a Sencha products veteran who has wondered what it might be like to work at Sencha? If so, please reach out to our recruiting manager:
C2008: Requirement had no matching files (MyApp.view.blogpost.BlogpostController) -- /Users/pdchapin/app/app/view/blogpost/Blogpost.js:4:10
Blogpost.js starts with
Ext.define('MyApp.view.blogpost.Blogpost', {
extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
requires: [
Ext.define('MyApp.view.blogpost.BlogpostController', {
extend: 'Ext.app.ViewController',
alias: 'controller.blogpost',
Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.
hi guys,i have a use case where accordions have panels as direct children which contain layouts and deeper nested childs like grids.
i noticed, that the grids have no outer side borders and inspected the CSS (neptune theme):
.x-accordion-item .x-grid-header-ct {
border-width: 0 0 1px!important;
while this selector is probably fine for accordions with grids as direct (first level) childs, it is definitely not good that it gets applied to grids on any deeper child level as well.
with the latest version, I am getting a lot more errors on the log (i.e. cannot read property width of null). Because of this, i can not bring up design mode. For this current error, I have 2 components, either one will go to design mode on their own, but when I add a link to the 2nd component (a grid) in the 1st component, I get this error and can not open design mode.Of course, there is no way to determine what is causing this.
Any suggestions???
Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.
Hello,There is a bug when you are trying to use Grid's selection config option. Even if its value is an empty array. It gives an error in method
Because there is no scroll. Here is an example: http://ift.tt/1DKY3dS
I downloaded a recent Fiddle, and the Ext version in index.html was 4.2.3 and not 5.1.0, which is what I see when it runs in Sencha Fiddle. My Fiddle is http://ift.tt/1APMLVS, and I clicked the button to the left of the run button, whose tooltip says "Download Fiddle (zip)."I had switched Ext versions a couple times to see what effect that would have, but the most recently saved version uses 5.1.0.
I am using LockingGroupingGridView plugin to created locked grid. But while scrolling the grid, rows of locked grid are misaligned with unlocked grid.
I checked the online example as well given at below link :
and it showed misalignment. Please find attachment.
Could you please guide on this?
I'm working on migrate a project Ext4 -> Ext5.
Beta users reasonable noticed, that current spinner fields with up&down triangles on touch devices is very hard to be used. They has small sizes and it will be much better to have (-) and (+) buttons rights instead.
Basically it is already done in Sencha Touch 2.4 or early and (in theory) may borrow (s)css from touch themes to ExtJS
I wonder may somebody did this trick ? Or maybe there is a separate component?
Thanks for any direction,
PS. Have created an issue in the http://ift.tt/1DuvgHS as well
Regards, Oleg
I have looked around but I still don't understand how to create treestore properly.
I have this very simple json that I get from a server:
"Results": [
"name": "John",
"age": 23,
"cars": [
"name": "Clio",
"brand": "Renault"
"name": "Class S",
"brand": "Mercedes"
"name": "Michel",
"age": 42,
"cars": [
"name": "Qashqai",
"brand": "Nissan"
Ext.define('Person', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
fields: [ 'name', 'age']
Ext.define('Car', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
fields: [ 'name', 'brand']
How to create a tree store with the following json?
Thanks a lot in advance !!
Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.
Hello,I'm working on a web app in Hebrew and Arabic which are written right-to-left. I have noticed the first column of every grid gets cropped in border layout whenever the region of the gridpanel is defined as "center" (but not only). It happened to me when working with Ext 4 as well.
layout: 'border', items: [{
xtype : 'companies-grid',
region : 'center',
flex : 3,
collapsible: true,
split : true,
xtype : 'company-form',
flex : 1,
region : 'east',
collapsible: true,
split : true
}]Thank you
viewModel.bind('{numReservations}', function(val) { var newTitle = 'Reservations (' + val + ')';
var tabpanels = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#regionCenter');
if(tabpanels.length) {
var tabpanel = tabpanels[0];
var tab = tabpanel.child('#tabreservations');
tab.title = newTitle; // The value does change here, but the display does not
tabpanel.updateLayout(); // Tried this but nothing changes
var me =this;
value =Ext.value(me.transformRawValue(value),'');
me.rawValue = value;
me.inputEl.dom.value = value;// <--- dom here is undefined
return value;
"production": {
"compressor": {
"type": "yui"
"production": {
"compressor": {
"type": "none"
In case it's important I make a case for this, well, in Java I keep my line numbers in my compiled code, in .Net and C++ I put symbols in productions so I get line numbers in stacks. Be able to support production issues is kind of important... so I need to know which line of my JavaScript throw a an error due a to a null reference.
I am developing an app which requires to fetch information from the my server specially images and give also provide details about these images.
The text information I am saving in the localstorage but how can I store the image from the server to my app and show it next time even if the user is offline ?
(I need to store the images in a db, cannot use localstorage as the number of images will be easily over 5mb)
The only solution I have right now is to use the cordova plugin of file-transfer to download the images. But it does not feel like a very systematic solution. Are there any other better approaches to solve this problem ?
Thank you.
I'm using Tree Panel component and I'm doing a filtration using my customize filterFn function.
However, I've didn't found any method, which allows me to count tree leaves after tree filtration.
Since a filtered node is marked with positive "visible" attribute, but is really visible when tree is shown (expanded), it`s attribute is visible most of time,
How can I run a function, which count all filtered (for both shown and not-shown) nodes?
I'm attaching 2 codes block here:
1. Count all leaves (ignores filtration)
var filtered_leaves = 0;
store.getRootNode().cascadeBy(function(node) {
if (node.isLeaf()) {
2. Count all leaves (count only leaves when those are visible and shown on screen. (expanded and filtered)
var filtered_leaves = 0;
store.getRootNode().cascadeBy(function(node) {
if (node.isLeaf()) {
if (node.isVisible()) {
3. Count all leaves that are visible if tree will be expanded (no matter whether these display on screen or not)