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Timefield and allowBlank
Timefield and allowBlank
Component 'timefield' ignore parameter allowBlank: true.
Please open this example: case:
1. Select any time in field
2. Clear text in field
3. Press button "Validate"TimeField show error: ' is not a valid time'.
Temporary "dirty" fix:
Ext .override(Ext .form .field .Time, {
getErrors: function (value) {
var me = this ,
format = Ext .String .format,
errors = me.callParent(arguments),
minValue = me.minValue ,
maxValue = me.maxValue ,
data = me.displayTplData ,
raw = me.getRawValue(),
i, len, date, item;
//temporay dirty fix for 5.0.1
if(!raw && me.allowBlank)
return [];
if (data && data.length > 0) {
for (i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++ ){
item = data[i];
item = || item.disp ;
date = me.parseDate(item);
if (!date )
if (!date) {
errors.push(format(me.invalidText , item, Ext .Date .unescapeFormat(me.format)));
continue ;
if (minValue && date < minValue) {
errors.push(format(me.minText , me.formatDate(minValue)));
if (maxValue && date > maxValue) {
errors.push(format(me.maxText , me.formatDate(maxValue)));
} else if (raw.length && !me.parseDate(raw)) {
// If we don't have any data & a rawValue, it means an invalid time was entered.
errors.push(format(me.invalidText , raw, Ext .Date .unescapeFormat(me.format)));
return errors;
Timefield and allowBlank
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