lundi 24 novembre 2014

Ajax called twice and unable to send params on (phonegap+sencha) xcode emulator

Hello everyone,

i am new in sencha touch. i was created a simple registration form and want to send my data on server side using Exr.AJAX.Request , POST method but on each button tap ajax will called twice and when i merge my code with phonegap and run it on emulator ,POST (method) params are not sent on server side but get method is working on emulator.

here is my code :


url: '',

method : 'POST',

//also used jsonData instead of params

params: {

email: '',//,

password: '1234567890123456' ,//,


callback : function(response, options,sample) {

//i also tried success function

//var data = Ext.decode(response.responseText, true);





failure : function(response, options,sample) {


// var data = Ext.decode(response.responseText);




scope: this



i also set my server to allow CORS .i already spent 3 days for this but didn't get any solutions here is server side code:


/*here i placed CORS header */

echo "Hello World" .$_POST['email']. "\n".$_GET['password'];


same data will save two twice.i can handle it on sever side condition but can any one tell how could control this ajax call.

Screen Shot 2014-11-24 at 10.20.02 pm.jpg

Ajax called twice and unable to send params on (phonegap+sencha) xcode emulator

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