dimanche 30 novembre 2014

Window percentage width and monitorResize

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default Window percentage width and monitorResize

    Window percentage width and monitorResize

    Ext version tested:

    • Ext JS (Crisp theme)

    Browser versions tested against:

    • Firefox 33.0 (firebug 2.0.6 deactivated)

    • Google Chrome 33.0.1750.154 m


    • When creating an Ext.window.Window with percentage widths, layout updates do not occur on window resize.

    Steps to reproduce the problem:

    The result that was expected:

    • The window should perform a layout update

    The result that occurs instead:

    • the update does not occur until a tab item is clicked

Window percentage width and monitorResize

Extra space in each grid's row when in IE 11 compared to Chrome

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

Extra space in each grid's row when in IE 11 compared to Chrome

Simple Web Base System (Ext JS 5)

This is in MVC CRUD in both Ext JS as part of the PHP ( native) and the best is that you are using abstract classes .

Tried to apply the best practices possible , leave the leaner / short code possible and practical , but simplifying searching for abstracting the maximum development productivity .

This was done in PHP , but of course , the part of Ext JS can be perfectly applied to other languages ​​backend , requiring only change the url's in AbstractProxy and ready .

Features CRUD :

- Latest version of Ext JS ;

- Latest version of Sencha Cmd ;

- Part of the totally abstract PHP ;

- Part of the Ext JS totally abstract ;

- Using the best possible practices recommended by Sencha ;

- Layout friendly;
- List with pagination;

- Accompanies menu, opening the modules in tabs ;

- Accompanies script to build complete code for sending the output ;

- Applying use of overrides ;

- Applying usage ux ;

- Applying use of sass ;

- Accompanies Ext.ux.Alert ux ;


Simple Web Base System (Ext JS 5)

Keep creating app.js when upgrading Sencha Cmd and had renamed default app.js

In app.json I have the following and the application works fine, but I always need to delete the generated app.js after I upgrade Sencha Cmd or I upgrade of Ext JS version or the application may not start.


"js": [
"path": "OPApp.js",
"bundle": true

Keep creating app.js when upgrading Sencha Cmd and had renamed default app.js

property editor propertychange event


I create property grid and set store like below. but propertychange doesnt fire.

When I add store.on('update', propertyGrid.onUpdate, propertyGrid) event can fire but source is not like source.FirstName etc. isthere any way to do this.


var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
fields: ['name', 'value', 'lovid', 'fieldname'],
data: [
{ name: 'FirstName', value: 'Oguz' },
{ name: 'LastName', value: 'Turkan' }

property editor propertychange event

Cmd app generate + webdesktop

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

samedi 29 novembre 2014

Documentation for resize event missing parameters

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default Documentation for resize event missing parameters

    Documentation for resize event missing parameters

    The current online 2.4.1 docs incorrectly list the parameters for the resize event as fired on Element and Component.

    It is documented as (element, eOpts) but the second parameter is info, an object containing information the new size parameters

Documentation for resize event missing parameters

Ext.ComponentQuery.query supports comma, .is does not

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default Ext.ComponentQuery.query supports comma, .is does not

    Ext.ComponentQuery.query supports comma, .is does not

    The ComponentQuery documentation documents that a comma can be used to specify multiple selectors to be treated as an OR.

    An expression like


    Ext.ComponentQuery.query('viewport, navigationview');

    Works and will return components matching either selector.

    If you do this though:


    Ext.ComponentQuery.is(Ext.Viewport, 'viewport, navigationview');

    ST 2.4.1 throws an error while parsing the selector. This is relevant when using a control selector as it uses .is to test components firing events. ExtJS 4 and ExtJS 5 both support using a comma in ComponentQuery.is and in control selectors but ST does not.

Ext.ComponentQuery.query supports comma, .is does not

Complex TreeGrid and Comboboxes not showing.

I'm beginning to feel like comboboxes have a personal vendetta against me, my family and everyone I know and love.

I'm trying to do a complex tree grid with objectives (that are comboboxes), and sub objectives (that are a textbox, and two other comboboxes). I've gotten to the point to where the tree panel renders, and blocks out the "Assigned To" and "Status" columns on main objectives. Only thing is, I can't seem to get the comboboxes to show their data, and it populates with "[object object]". So after working on this all day, I'm at my wits end and need another pair of eyes on this.


And I'm using a viewmodel on this treepanel, since it seems like the legit thing to do (this will go into an MVVM scheme in my project).

Many Thanks.

Complex TreeGrid and Comboboxes not showing.

After Second_Window.toFront(), Click on First_Window, Event activate is not fire


I have two Windows. (Ext.Window)



First_Window ist active.

Then I open the Second_Window. (Second_Window is in Front of First_Window)

Then I click on First_window. Event "activate" is fire, First_Window come to Front.

Now I want, that Second_Window come to Front an I use Second_Window.toFront();

So far everything is OK.

But now, when I click on First_Window, its Event "activate" is not fire.

Can anybody help? I am using ExtJS 5.0.1

After Second_Window.toFront(), Click on First_Window, Event activate is not fire

Issue using xtype with MVC


I'm trying to use sencha touch for the first time and I don't know what's going on when using xtype.

I don't have any error, but the panel I've created doesn't show up.

Main file:


Ext.define('Mobile.view.Main', { extend: 'Ext.tab.Panel',
xtype: 'main',
requires: [
config: {
tabBarPosition: 'bottom',

items: [
title: 'Bienvenue',
iconCls: 'home',

styleHtmlContent: true,
scrollable: true,

items: {
docked: 'top',
xtype: 'titlebar',
title: 'Bienvenue'

html: [
"Ici la description de l'application ",
title: 'Choix Véhicule',
iconCls: 'action',

docked: 'top',
xtype: 'titlebar',
title: 'Sélectionner votre véhicule dans la liste ci-dessous'
xtype: 'test'


Here's the xtype I've defined and I call in the main file.


Ext.define('Mobile.view.form.Test', { extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
//alias: 'widget.test',
fullscreen: true,

xtype: 'test',
items: [
xtype: 'fieldset',
title: 'Contact Us',
instructions: '(email address is optional)',
height: 285,
items: [
xtype: 'textfield',
label: 'Name'
xtype: 'emailfield',
label: 'Email'
xtype: 'textareafield',
label: 'Message'

I have added the view in the app.js file.

So the app renders well, but when I click on the button "Choix Véhicule" It shows me a white screen.

I have also tried with alias instead of xtype but same problem...

Does Anyone have an idea what could be the problem?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Issue using xtype with MVC

Simple and Clear Exjs Microloader Smaple

Force cmd app build to include additional javascript in special order


my application uses DirectJngine and DirectJngine generates additional configuration javascripts (ServerConfig.js) which has to be included after the Ext-Framework classes but before the application code. Following is an excerpt from index.html.

How to configure cmd to include the code in the same order on app build?


<!-- <x-compile> -->

<!-- </x-compile> -->

<!-- <x-bootstrap> -->

<script src="ext/ext-all-dev.js"></script>

<!-- </x-bootstrap> -->

<link rel="stylesheet" href="ext/resources/ext-theme-classic/ext-theme-classic-all.css" id="baseStyle">

<script id="microloader" type="text/javascript" src="bootstrap.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="djn/djn-remote-call-support.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="ejn/ejn-assert.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="clear/direct/ServerConfig.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="app/direct/ServerConfig.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="app.js"></script>


Force cmd app build to include additional javascript in special order

vendredi 28 novembre 2014

[2.4.1] Ext.field.Spinner fires change event from constructor

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default [2.4.1] Ext.field.Spinner fires change event from constructor

    [2.4.1] Ext.field.Spinner fires change event from constructor

    Please look at this code from Ext.field.Spinner source:


    constructor: function() {
    var me = this;


    if (!me.getValue()) {

    Event is actually fired on me.resumeEvents();

    Accordingly to 2.4.1 documentation it seems should be me.resumeEvents(true);

[2.4.1] Ext.field.Spinner fires change event from constructor

[OPEN] Ext.Number.sign inconsistent w/ Math.sign

  1. You found a bug! We've classified it as


    We encourage you to continue the discussion and to find an acceptable workaround while we work on a permanent fix.

  2. Default Ext.Number.sign inconsistent w/ Math.sign

    Ext.Number.sign inconsistent w/ Math.sign


    Ext.Number.sign('0') // -1
    Math.sign('0') // 0

[OPEN] Ext.Number.sign inconsistent w/ Math.sign

When there is a new version of CMD, will you please leave my workspace.cfg file alone

I like to keep my themes in the packages folder in EACH application in the workspace, not in the parent (workspace) folder. So, I have edited the following line in the sencha.cfg file:


After each application is upgraded, you change the app.dir to workspace.dir. Please leave it alone.


When there is a new version of CMD, will you please leave my workspace.cfg file alone

Sencha Charts - Series renderer incorrectly assigns lineDash attr

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default Sencha Charts - Series renderer incorrectly assigns lineDash attr

    Sencha Charts - Series renderer incorrectly assigns lineDash attr

    See this fiddle.

    The series renderer returns lineDash only for a single bar (index 2), but all bars have a lineDash.

    Only one bar should should have lineDash attr, not all of them.Screen Shot 2014-11-28 at 12.47.50 PM.jpg.

Sencha Charts - Series renderer incorrectly assigns lineDash attr

[5.0.1] Ext.DomHelper.createDom removes content of previous created nodes in IE9

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default [5.0.1] Ext.DomHelper.createDom removes content of previous created nodes in IE9

    [5.0.1] Ext.DomHelper.createDom removes content of previous created nodes in IE9

    Ext version tested:

    Browser versions tested against:

    DOCTYPE tested against:


    • After creating a dom node for the second time, the innerHTML content of the previous created node has become an empty string

    Steps to reproduce the problem:

    The result that was expected:

    • innerHTML should not be empty

    The result that occurs instead:

[5.0.1] Ext.DomHelper.createDom removes content of previous created nodes in IE9

Getting type of filter

Sencha Charts - scale/gird incorrectly rendered when minimum/maximum provided

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default Sencha Charts - scale/gird incorrectly rendered when minimum/maximum provided

    Sencha Charts - scale/gird incorrectly rendered when minimum/maximum provided

    See the fiddle.

    The 2X/3X and -2X/-3X grid lines are too close to each other. These grid lines should be identically interspaced. This worked fine in Ext Charts.

    Screen Shot 2014-11-28 at 9.34.44 AM.png

Sencha Charts - scale/gird incorrectly rendered when minimum/maximum provided

Line series renderer do not work correctly

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default Line series renderer do not work correctly

    Line series renderer do not work correctly

    Chart draws a line several times if the line "renderer" defined


    Additional Information:

    Line chart with and without renderer


Line series renderer do not work correctly

Grid Scrolling

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default Grid Scrolling

    Grid Scrolling

    I have faced a vertical scrolling glitch in grids with locked columns. It can be reproduced in a grid from the following example: http://ift.tt/1v11ISB. Reproduced in IE 11 and Chrome 39.0.X .

    Please scroll down and you can see that scrolling position is not the same for locked and unlocked parts:


    However it is fixed by clicking (twice to see the same view) on Toggle Summary button at the top. Now it shows horizontal scrollbar at the locked part of grid:


    I have created a fiddle to check what happens there: http://ift.tt/1FAXdzm. It seems that the issue is fixed by the following code:


    var view = grid.lockedGrid.getView();

    Please let me know what configuration or overrides can be applied to fix the issue.


Grid Scrolling

How to load Extjs 5 app inside a JSP view - Spring?


I am using Spring to build a webapp with extjs5. I can't load my extjs 5 app because some files are not found. Can somebody help me?

In my jsp view, i have this code to load bootstrap of my app.


<script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value="/workspace/myextapp /bootstrap.js"/>" charset="utf-8"></script>

When open this view, i see this log in the javascript console

  • Request URL:


  • Request Method:


    Status Code:

    200 OK

  • Request URL:


  • Request Method:


  • Status Code:

    404 Not Found

  • __

The load of bootstratp.js will invoke the bootstarp.json but this is in another path.

How i can change the full path to find the files to open my aplication?

How to load Extjs 5 app inside a JSP view - Spring?

Migration to ExtJs5 - Chart.js 404 Not Found

I am migrating an application from ExtJs4 to ExtJs5. I didn't write the application myself and have little experience using ExtJs at all.

My Development tools are:

-IntelliJ IDEA 13.1.6 with Tomcat 6.0

-Firefox 33.1.1 with Firebug 2.0.6

As a first migration step I did the following:

-renamed the old ExtJs4 files folder from "MyProject/app/extjs" to "MyProject/app/extjs_OLD"

As a second step I copied existing ExtJs5 files (existing in another project, which has already been migrated to Extjs5) into the folder "MyProject/app/ext/build".

Then in IntelliJ IDEA I pressed "Run", opened Firefox and Firebug (the latter by pressing F12) and entered "http://localhost:8080/".

The Firebug-Console produces the following:

I then proceeded to the Upgrade Guide provided by Sencha and discovered that the Sencha developers dedicated a whole section for migration of Charts.

I then realized after reading the section Installing Sencha charts, that in ExtJs5 the Charts package must be installed before using it.

Now i am facing the problem that, i do not know or understand how to issue the "installation command" for the Charts package and add an import into my not existing "app.json" file. (In MyProject there is only the file "MyProject/app.js", not ".json")

Why my project has no "app.json" file? Where to issue the "install" command inside IntelliJ IDEA 13.1.6?

Can someone give me hints on how to install the Charts package inside IntelliJ IDEA 13.1.6 or another solution that fixes the Not Found error?

Migration to ExtJs5 - Chart.js 404 Not Found

How to dynamicaly set format to timefield


I have a panel and a timefield on it.

I tried to set format in beforerender callback of my Panel:


onPanelBeforeRender: function(component, eOpts) {
var timefield = component.down("#time");
Ext.apply(timefield, {format: "my dynamic format"});

But it changed only text input format but combobox listitem format still default (see timefield-format.png). These listitems should be formatted also.

Any suggestions?

How to dynamicaly set format to timefield

list in Ext.Menu not responding to event

Hi All

I am trying to get my Ext.Menu with a list to respond to my event in my Controller.

I am not sure why I can not get a response from the list in the Ext.Menu.

Could someone please tell me what I am missing.



Ext.define('Pear.view.Main', {

extend: 'Ext.Container',
xtype: 'main',
requires: [
config: {

layout: {
type: 'card'

items: [
xtype: 'toolbar',
docked: 'top',
title: 'Sliding Menu',
items: [
xtype: 'button',
id: 'listButton',
iconCls: 'list',
ui: 'plain',
handler: function(){

initialize: function(){
side: 'left',
reveal: true

createMenu: function(){
var menu = Ext.create('Ext.Menu', {
layout: 'fit',
width: 220,

items: [{
xtype: 'titlebar',
title: 'Side menu'
}, {
xtype: 'list',
itemTpl: '{title}',
//store: 'Beginning',

data: [{
title: 'Menu item 1'
}, {
title: 'Menu item 2'

title: 'Menu item 3'
}, {
title: 'Menu item 4'
return menu;

My Controller


Ext.define( 'Pear.controller.Main', {

refs: {
Main: 'main',

control: {

'main list ':{
console.log("Option 2 Tapped");



list in Ext.Menu not responding to event

Disabled 'checkboxgroup' is not visible

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default Disabled 'checkboxgroup' is not visible

    Disabled 'checkboxgroup' is not visible


    Please open example: http://ift.tt/1AYhfWq

    Press button "Disable"

    If disable parent of checkboxgroup, class 'x-item-disabled' added to parent, to checkboxgroup and to each checkbox item. In result each "opacity:0.3" do checkboxes is not visible.

    See image:


    P.s. Sorry for my English.

Disabled 'checkboxgroup' is not visible

jeudi 27 novembre 2014

CMD Build production cause YuiCompressor Parse Error in 3d party js files

Adding cellediting plugin causes bootstrap to fail

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default Adding cellediting plugin causes bootstrap to fail

    Adding cellediting plugin causes bootstrap to fail

    I have a grid linked to a store which is happy and all that; it loads data and shows rows. If I add a cellediting plugin to the grid (I'm using Sencha Architect, save the app, the reload in my browser, I get this (in Chrome developer tools):


    Attached is a cut down copy of my grid configuration (with irrelevant bits removed).


    I can't reproduce this in a simple standalone project with just a grid and nothing else, unfortunately. The reference to "Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing" in the "requires" section of the panel configuration is exactly the same as that standalone sample anyway. Why would it be looking for the CellEditor.js file at the root of my web site and not underneath "localhost/.../Site/ext/src/grid"? I've checked that directory and the file does indeed exist.

    I'm using Ext JS 5.0.1.

Adding cellediting plugin causes bootstrap to fail

ummm, when will 5.1 BETA not say 5.1 BETA on all of my code?

Building packages separately but dependent on theme scss

Hi all!

My application is separated into 1 app, 1 theme package, 1 core functionality package, and a bunch of module packages which may be included in various combinations. The way to accomplish this is (I think, unless these is a better way?) to build each package separately and then serve an index.html that adds the package's .js and .css files based on which package should be included.

The problem is that the packages won't build because they are dependent on the theme package's SCSS variables. IE if I define some custom SCSS variables or mixins, etc in the theme, then attempt to use them in the package the build process fails to find them. The application itself builds fine.

The packages currently require the theme package... is there something I am missing?

Building packages separately but dependent on theme scss

how to move tab indexes between widget columns only?

I am working on Extjs 5 widget columns. How can i move the focus on tab press to next widget column? i have two widget columns in my gridview and each contains a textfield. keyup event is working fine. i want to move the focus to next widget column's textfield of same row on keyup event.

onMytextfieldKeyup: function(textfield, e, eOpts) {

//what to do


how to move tab indexes between widget columns only?

Sencha Cmd v5.1.0.13 does not respect overrides in packages

Nested Grid panel rendering issue (RowExpander)


I have requirement to display a Form(contains few fields and grid panel) in a Grid Panel row expander.

Form(contains few input fields) is able to display properly inside grid row expander, but when i add another grid panel inside form, nothing is displayed inside rowexpander. Without grid Form is rendering properly. So i have created example for nested grid. Even nested grid is not rendering.

I simulated the issue in Sencha Fiddle site.

Sencha Fiddle URL: http://ift.tt/1voBpnM

Thanks in advance.

Sencha Framework: 5.0.1.

Nested Grid panel rendering issue (RowExpander)

Cmd Warning : Unable to find PhoneGap / Cordova installed

after updating from 3.0 to 3.1, Sencha Architect keeps complaining


Cmd Warning : Unable to find PhoneGap / Cordova installed

PhoneGap and Cordova are not available from the Build Menu.

How to fix this ?

I'm on Windows with PATH set to



thanks a ton !


Cmd Warning : Unable to find PhoneGap / Cordova installed


Hi guys,

i'm using ext 3.4.

I've a function that spent time to do a synchronize operation.

I'd like to show a wait message during the operation like below example


function test()
Ext.MessageBox.wait('Loading, 'wait');
// My Operation
Ext.MessageBox.wait('Loading, 'wait').hide();

The problem is that the wait Message is never shown because the framework render the object only when the function ends. This means that the wait message is shown and hidden but uselessly.

I found this solution but is there a better way?


function test()
setTimeout(test2, 0);
function test2()
// My Operation


Maximum call stack exceeded when filtering associated store

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default Maximum call stack exceeded when filtering associated store

    Maximum call stack exceeded when filtering associated store


    I've come across an issue with filtering an associated store which results in a "Maximum call stack exceeded" error.

    You can reproduce the error by opening the "Loading Nested Data Example" (http://ift.tt/1prbRa1) and running the following code in the console:


    return rec.get('rating') > 3;

    Ext version tested:

    Browser versions tested against:

    • Chrome 39.0.2171.71 (OSX Yosemite)


    • When attempting to filter an associated data store using the 'filterBy' method it results in a "Maximum call stack exceeded" error.

    Steps to reproduce the problem:


    return rec.get('rating') > 3;

    The result that was expected:

    • The store to be filtered and no error to be thrown

    The result that occurs instead:

    • "Maximum call stack exceeded" error

Maximum call stack exceeded when filtering associated store

TriggerFieldCell ctor and consumedEvents param

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default TriggerFieldCell ctor and consumedEvents param

    TriggerFieldCell ctor and consumedEvents param


    Why no one constructors of TriggerFieldCell class does not has consumedEvents parameter?

    I cannot handle any browser event expect those hardcoded in class FieldCell.

    For example, I cannot handle Event.ONPASTE event in the way wich GXT provides browser event handling.

    I only can call sinkEvents( Event.ONPASTE ) in constructor of my Component override method "public void onBrowserEvent(Event event)" in my Component and delegate handling of Event.ONPASTE to my Cell.

    It will be good if ctor of TriggerFieldCell has consumedEvents parameter.

    GXT version - 3.1.1

TriggerFieldCell ctor and consumedEvents param

Multiselector selection bug

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Sencha Premium Member

    Join Date

    Jan 2013



    Vote Rating


Multiselector selection bug

Cordova - Backgroud iOS

mercredi 26 novembre 2014

compiled ext js does not work when opened directly via Chrome and Opera browser

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default compiled ext js does not work when opened directly via Chrome and Opera browser

    compiled ext js does not work when opened directly via Chrome and Opera browser


    I have a EXT JS 5 project compiled in the production folder.

    When opened directly via Chrome and Opera Browser, nothing is shown; but when opened via Firefox and Safari Browser directly, it works.

    I have tested this on OSX Yosemite and Windows 7.

    However, when I put the files in a webserver, its fine; OR when I do 'sencha app build testing' its also fine.

    This is console error in the production build (in chrome):


    XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///home/USER/my-workspace/build/production/SenchaApp/app.json. Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome-extension, https, chrome-extension-resource. index.html:86 h.

    fetchSync index.html:1
    Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input

    Is there some way you can make it work in the production one like it did in the testing one.



compiled ext js does not work when opened directly via Chrome and Opera browser

Filter value invalid, http request take filter options value(not value) in

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default Filter value invalid, http request take filter options value(not value) in

    Filter value invalid, http request take filter options value(not value) in


    filter: {

    type: 'list',

    options: Ext.Object.getValues(Ext.create('SysX.model.Client').status),

    value: ['ACTIVE']


    Http Request:

    • _dc:


    • selectFields:


    • page:


    • start:


    • limit:


    • filter:


    this run all right in extjs 5.0.1

    right filter:


Filter value invalid, http request take filter options value(not value) in

CMD 5.1 BETA - Fatal error on startup - Windows

Are there any logs that I can look at? Doesn't start at all.

Windows 8.1 x64

Error occurred during initialization of VM

Could not reserve enough space for object heap

Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.

Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.


CMD 5.1 BETA - Fatal error on startup - Windows

Enabling a tab does not change its colour

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default Enabling a tab does not change its colour

    Enabling a tab does not change its colour

    I have a gridpanel which is the first item in a tabpanel, set to disabled until a certain condition is met. When I enable that panel, it doesn't also change the colour of its tab - you have to click on it. Setting the active tab in code doesn't help, either.

    Here's a fiddle which demonstrates the problem. Clicking on other tabs doesn't de-colourise the previously disabled tab until you click it one more time, then it's OK.

Enabling a tab does not change its colour

Get Parent Values in an XTemplate Conditional Statement

I have some Ajax data in a store that resembles this format:


"testName":"Ye Old Math Test",

...and so on. I've got a DataView and I'm trying to run through the tests array, displaying only the tests with the same courseID as the course in which it is located. Here's my DataView tpl, which isn't working:


<tpl for="tests">
<tpl if="courseID == parent.courseID"> //<-- This is not working
<div>Test Name: {testName} ({courseID}{parent.courseID})</div>

Is there a way to create a conditional statement that compares a value with a parent value?

Get Parent Values in an XTemplate Conditional Statement

locked grid with bound store, selection model select not working

  1. You found a bug! We've classified it as


    We encourage you to continue the discussion and to find an acceptable workaround while we work on a permanent fix.

  2. Default locked grid with bound store, selection model select not working

    locked grid with bound store, selection model select not working

    I have a grid with a locked column and a bound store. I am trying to select the first record in the grid like this grid.getSelectionModel().select(0); . It looks like the store associated with the selection model has no data. If I remove the column locking it works. Also if the store is not set with bind, it also works.

    See the following fiddle:


locked grid with bound store, selection model select not working

[DUP] 5.0.1 HtmlEditor, cursor jumping

This duplicates another forum thread, you can visit that thread here .

Default 5.0.1 HtmlEditor, cursor jumping

5.0.1 HtmlEditor, cursor jumping


Strange behavior of cursor in HtmlEditor.

please look at this example: http://ift.tt/15zXQ19

In this example:

Using ViewModel, data from store is binded to the HtmlEditor field.

If value from store is contains HTML tags then any attempts to edit this value in editor cause cursor jumping to start.

If value NOT contains HTML tags then all right. But if you try to add at least one tag (select word and make in bold, for example), - you can see same behavior, cursor will jump to start of this tag.

Are you a Sencha products veteran who has wondered what it might be like to work at Sencha? If so, please reach out to our recruiting manager: sheryl@sencha.com

[DUP] 5.0.1 HtmlEditor, cursor jumping

StringFilter on a Grid doesn't allow for filter on "null" or "not null"

Feature Request: Make the editor more user friendly!!!

Phonegap - resources not copied

Widget column layout not right before resize column or scrolling

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default Widget column layout not right before resize column or scrolling

    Widget column layout not right before resize column or scrolling

    I have two similar but different issues and I have a hard time to reproduce in Fiddle. They are regression introduced by nightly build started like month+ ago.

    So maybe you have some clue to help me fixing the issue or create a Fiddle, or you are available to debug remotely.

    1- I have a widget column using draw, and it doesn't set the style about sizing before I scroll down the grid to trigger new widget instance.

    2- I have a widget column pretty simple, using Img and Display, and before re-sizing the column its style about sizing is not set correctly.

Widget column layout not right before resize column or scrolling

How can I build production by Ext JS 5 app, but keep separate the Ext JS library?

To improve caching between applications. I would like to keep separate the Ext JS library from my built code.

Mainly, my production index.html will looks similar to:

<script type="text/javascript" src="ext-all.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="MyApp-all.js"></script>

How do I easily get that result from: sencha app build production ?

How can I build production by Ext JS 5 app, but keep separate the Ext JS library?

Locked tree scroll works incorrect when locked columns are collapsed

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

Locked tree scroll works incorrect when locked columns are collapsed

Locked tree panel missing header

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

Locked tree panel missing header

No Sencha Cmd available to be used with nightly build

I'm a paying customer that have access to nightly build, but Sencha Cmd that is compatible is not available. I'm expecting nightly build of Sencha Cmd to be also available from the Support portal.

PS C:\Projects\platformscExtJS5\app> sencha app upgrade C:\Users\stardif\Downloads\ext-5.1.0-20141125\ext-

Sencha Cmd v5.0.3.324

[INF] Loading configuration for framework directory: C:\Users\stardif\Downloads\ext-5.1.0-20141125\ext-

[ERR] Sencha Cmd version ( is incompatible with required version (

No Sencha Cmd available to be used with nightly build

ResponsiveConfig with dynamic width

  1. Thank you for reporting this bug. We will make it our priority to review this report.

  2. Default ResponsiveConfig with dynamic width

    ResponsiveConfig with dynamic width


    I'm trying to use responsiveConfig on ExtJs 5.0.1. I would like the size of the window adjusts to the screen resolution.

    When I set a fix value (like 960), it works. When I set a percentage value (like '60%') it doesn't work.

    This is the fiddle : http://ift.tt/1ATzBIg

    Any idea how to solve this ?

    Many thanks,


ResponsiveConfig with dynamic width

Grid with autoload store did not reflect the paging toolbar when first loaded

Hi All,

I am working with Ext JS 5.0.1 and I just encountered one grid related issue. Any help would be appreciated.

1. A gridpanel in the View with a binding store from ViewModel.

2. A pagingtoolbar docked on the bottom of the grid and shares the same binding store from ViewModel.

3. Store definition in ViewModel with below config


autoLoad: true,
params: {
page: 1,
start: 0,
limit: 6
pageSize: 6

4. Everything worked great with auto load and pagination.

The ISSUE I have

Paging tool bar did not display the correct paging info after page loaded at the first time. It just said Page 0 of 0.

My Solution

Added a button called Load. Follow the below code handled in the ViewController and it worked great.


var grid = this.getReferences().customerGrid,
store = grid.getStore();


The Answer I want

How to make the paging tool bar work with the auto load config and without the manual loading?

Grid with autoload store did not reflect the paging toolbar when first loaded

I want to hide the label on a Ext.field.text

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Probably a dsully question, but I could not find anything on the internet. I have a text field or a select field and I don't want to show the...

I want to hide the label on a Ext.field.text

mardi 25 novembre 2014

using widgets in panel headers in Ext Js 5


I'm trying to migrate my app which uses ext js 4.1.1 to Ext Js 5.0.1.

Really appreciate the new features in Ext JS5.

My application is in MVC architecture and here is a gridpanel that I have defined in my app.


Ext.define('XX.view.AccountComboGrid', {
extend : 'XX.view.BaseRemoteGrid',//BaseRemoteGrid extends Ext.grid.Panel
alias : 'widget.accountcombogrid',
frame : true,

initComponent : function() {

var selectedAccount = parseInt(Ext.state.Manager.get(XX.User.id + 'selectedAccount'), 10);
this.headers.add ({
xtype : 'clearablecombo',//ux
forceSelection : true,
fieldLabel : this.accountIdComboLabel,
name : 'accountId',
store : Ext.getStore('Accounts'),
valueField : 'id',
displayField : 'title',
value : (Ext.isNumber(selectedAccount) ? selectedAccount : undefined),
listeners : {
change : this.accountIdComboChange,
scope : this
this.columns : [....]

the highlighted line of code -> this.headers.add({...}); works fine in 4.1.1 rendering a combobox in the grid panel header.

It throws an error in 5.0.1 since the this.header object is undefined.

How can I fix it?


using widgets in panel headers in Ext Js 5

[DUP] Treepanel and widgetcolumn bug

This duplicates another forum thread, you can visit that thread here .

Sencha Premium Member

Join Date

Oct 2014



Vote Rating


[DUP] Treepanel and widgetcolumn bug

Toggleable Accordion

Hey there,

I'm trying to make an accordion that will allow me to open one or more sections, and also close all of them back up. I've gotten as far as having them both start closed, allowing multiple sections open, but when I try to close them both, they become mutually exclusive.

Here's the fiddle:


Thanks in advance.

Toggleable Accordion

June and Dec missing in Ext.form.field.Date

[unable to retrieve full-text content]HI, As shown in the below image June and Dec is missing from the Month list. How to show all months? [ATTACH=CONFIG]51101[/ATTACH]

June and Dec missing in Ext.form.field.Date

Can I delete or disable "delta" thing in SA 3 project ?

Every time I compile the SA Project, it always need to take over a long time to handle the "delta" compile, I really don't know what is that...and no useful for me( 2 parts delta include the "app.js" and theme ), I really really want it to stop doing this when I build the project, please could anyone tell me more about this ?

Here is the log for ONCE build process:

11:15:07 AM

"/Users/wison/bin/Sencha/Cmd/" app build production

cd /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/

/Users/wison/bin/Sencha/Cmd/ app build production

Sencha Cmd v4.0.4.84


[INF] init-plugin:


[INF] cmd-root-plugin.init-properties:


[INF] init-properties:


[INF] init-sencha-command:


[INF] init:


[INF] app-build-impl:


[INF] -before-init-local:


[INF] -init-local:


[INF] -after-init-local:


[INF] init-local:


[INF] find-cmd-in-path:


[INF] find-cmd-in-environment:


[INF] find-cmd-in-shell:


[INF] init-cmd:

[INF] [echo] Using Sencha Cmd from /Users/wison/bin/Sencha/Cmd/ for /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/build.xml


[INF] -before-init:


[INF] -init:

[INF] Initializing Sencha Cmd ant environment

[INF] Adding antlib taskdef for com/sencha/command/compass/ant/antlib.xml


[INF] -after-init:


[INF] -before-init-defaults:


[INF] -init-defaults:


[INF] -after-init-defaults:


[INF] -init-compiler:


[INF] init:


[INF] -before-build:


[INF] refresh:


[INF] -before-refresh:


[INF] -init:


[INF] -init-compiler:


[INF] -detect-app-build-properties:

[INF] Loading app json manifest...

[INF] Loading classpath entry /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/touch/src

[INF] Loading classpath entry /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/app

[INF] Loading classpath entry /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/app/profile

[INF] Loading classpath entry /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/app/multimedia

[INF] Loading classpath entry /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/build/temp/production/RetailerMobileApp/sencha-compiler/app

[INF] Loading classpath entry /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/build/temp/production/RetailerMobileApp/sencha-compiler/app

[WRN] unable to locate files for external reference : /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/app.js

[WRN] scope is /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/build/temp/production/RetailerMobileApp/sencha-compiler/app

[INF] Concatenating output to file /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/build/temp/production/RetailerMobileApp/sencha-compiler/cmd-packages.js

[INF] Adding external reference : @full-page => @overrides

[INF] Loading classpath entry /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/build/temp/production/RetailerMobileApp/sencha-compiler/cmd-packages.js

[INF] Adding external reference : Ext.util.Observable => /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/build/temp/production/RetailerMobileApp/sencha-compiler/cmd-packages.js


[INF] -refresh-app:

[INF] Appending concatenated output to file /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/bootstrap.js

[INF] Appending concatenated output to file /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/bootstrap.js

[INF] Appending concatenated output to file /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/bootstrap.js

[INF] Appending concatenated output to file /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/bootstrap.js

[INF] Appending concatenated output to file /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/bootstrap.js

[INF] Appending content to /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/bootstrap.json


[INF] -refresh:


[INF] -after-refresh:


[INF] resolve:


[INF] js:


[INF] -before-js:


[INF] -init:


[INF] -init-compiler:


[INF] -detect-app-build-properties:


[INF] -compile-js:

[INF] Concatenating output to file /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/build/production/RetailerMobileApp/app.js


[INF] -js:


[INF] -after-js:


[INF] resources:


[INF] -before-resources:


[INF] -before-inherit-resources:


[INF] -before-copy-resources:


[INF] -init:


[INF] -init-compiler:


[INF] -resources:

[INF] merging resources into /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/build/production/RetailerMobileApp/resources

[INF] merged 0 resources into /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/build/production/RetailerMobileApp/resources

[INF] merging resources into /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/build/production/RetailerMobileApp

[INF] merged 0 resources into /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/build/production/RetailerMobileApp


[INF] -after-copy-resources:


[INF] -after-inherit-resources:


[INF] -after-resources:


[INF] sass:


[INF] -before-sass:


[INF] -compass-compile-theme-package:


[INF] -compass-compile-theme-folders:


[INF] -compass-compile-sass-dir:

[INF] executing compass using system installed ruby runtime

identical ../css/app.css


[INF] -compass-compile:


[INF] -sass:


[INF] -after-sass:


[INF] slice:


[INF] -before-slice:


[INF] -slice-images:


[INF] -slice:


[INF] -after-slice:


[INF] page:


[INF] -before-page:


[INF] -init:


[INF] -init-compiler:


[INF] -copy-app-resources:

[INF] Copying page resources to /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/build/production/RetailerMobileApp

[INF] compressing /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/build/production/RetailerMobileApp/app.js

[INF] copying /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css to /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/build/production/RetailerMobileApp/theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css

[INF] compressing /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/build/production/RetailerMobileApp/theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css


[INF] -generate-deltas:

[INF] Generating file deltas to /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/build/production/RetailerMobileApp/deltas

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '009234b83cfd10ee3f60db500b90b9f1a2a3cf52' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '00b20ff90a08e28a3bfdddaf6d6ee97353a357b5' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '00e84d85a8c87644536e60d3ca3f4a1032b9367b' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '00f895f7e2832a853213efc4546200471162b2d0' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '019c43bad48b65ddcc1b26602c66586e10a009ad' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '01aebf09309930717f9cc66d1ab09f35e26a9186' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '01f0d4ed2c2d4ee4b961d43c78f253bb34534762' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '02ddfd57a486746b70185fafdf5babb4f164e0d0' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '02e708c1550fc52674b4ab183d799fe3d96c36cb' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '0482b2d470b4e39566a00682701803600b62e935' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '056fdee28574ad91ec5df14c3b893738f5c2f8c0' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '05f7d3596d8ddb1a4f16074ac46ca68dba07212f' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '063350e201f1296cb3353b41e426805b48b3ed52' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '06da568dec96ba342c8503e0fdfe4152cd9d4fe5' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '072a93c76fdde8903d7e567a78b9baf0ed1e94fe' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '097c931c6d173002a1827ef2f9c2f4f52560ccce' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '09895efa34f0577d76036185321cf8d6b801f3a0' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '0ca5ab17320467bf8ea8ccffd02f0ff1dfbe0a88' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '0e816eefbc7fa0d186e90ec6e2618383b7364ebc' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '0edab4092d3957023f83e10568708ae11a6d6cf9' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '10cc6c5986c71aba3ec81f398dbb9fbfe972da6a' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '10faa1a1770efcdaf6eb5a368bdacfa2919c70f1' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '1323bd450462eef94be4284cd832a746c6ee381a' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '1411c24713708b10cdfdc0b3d1f7ae41f123efbf' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '14492e03a6b921246584b55269e323bff53e3d8e' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '153723a528c148c9a0bb4231e0ba85473d8efe2d' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '156302e697cdf6602145d51d31718e2b552c1c4a' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '16c65056bc0fd89525a4b26c85942e3bf5b2e5f5' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '17adce6335a5f4d427f5d5b4e89a3e5c308ebe10' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '1808f96ae0c6c2af81788da400a6caec2f897ee9' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '1c4b548702717927246cd802ef6cef0dcc982086' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '1d14e8bc4197d2562b341deae21e91eb4e9a4563' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '1f0ed0b3bf562aa4a9cbe3db279a029a856d2eb5' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '1f695222dfb6e27753833c0f30348fcd496c8c3f' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '1f74ef44fc645199e2ba24036b02c9f8fbb699af' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '1f8d9b677c02aa2ae89503a219cbaa5a84c725a1' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '1f9d1df1b9f700b26d4cb3d14a6b7f9478be8cc8' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '200876caa89d7a7aa527d682087287e715974d38' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '2016c413cdf409ce10fef0e6b274b01b6510ab60' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '20bb69aed505ce2957ae92e4a96f3316e6c0397d' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '21737454a0f9e28ddd81aa4cb452e44ac6afdc1b' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '219da84ecbf8cb31564c019cb3b134c0241bd63a' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '21fefc4d6b699d4fd90407a753f53281a53e1f41' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '225334e222e01c71196120b499239975e7f9a7f1' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '23296b040ca74c39309d29b94b25eda13ff38e8b' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '257baaf07af000b6bd055b256c9174addff28ec6' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '25c1914a910736792385d467189d354a611323ec' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '25dd6e921ee10bf837f5a1aa8da903ab5a0ad4c1' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '2624701a7bba63e8876f715bea4e1a716c893a4d' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '271959e51cafff349aeb7807a7c318ddde15e334' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '2739ea830c12371229fcc2e3ca978463ea3c2f6c' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '277f69ea222df4013228d8132947da8d64f74913' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '28044d6a91321ad3cb2db72162067132f2584b04' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '28a7a7c472af2a03bc539dba0aaec43673fe2322' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '29408efe656a745487ca08ab210058e4dfabe25e' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '29875974c5ae7bd221442ced627715e387b30a64' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '298f4a39e66d9a915d25b57e4c3f5a328fa7cade' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '2a3269050b4b4651dbe55f9cf6de79fc22c829fb' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '2aceed849efacf2da8eadfa2b1be74d186dc6de1' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '2b6a7743c759c2a509534964ebceff806b670401' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '2f9e55c47887defc22069b1642c427afd06b03c1' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '2fbd84937dce67860a989ed763d0d26f9a96cd1c' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '31a572f85df25069218a5acacc0b3bdaac7bb425' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '326e6b6b320acf096f727d798e3cd2b0e7a76866' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '334ae45d6d57e9fb7ee29faa28886379eba4db0c' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '34409bad440823b38dfe1ef91678d2007cc118c1' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '349a95ba1e7be99ea335c3f890bab7120e2c4ae8' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '34a8d637cdd50d08023debfffe331eb0b6aca278' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '34b9056b9bf84972c7a8a0a89454a0336d3f5a69' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '3539820680e27146aedd88ac15a069752450692c' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '358fafa2685b8dcc05b4c9f86d58ac867aae4fb9' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '3675c94010a717a3b9e31ed8ca33b1672f286b3b' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '36c7fe3e8e6925f27904f5f1e5a092188bf15fa2' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '37573172f8dac959b6cdb1c4fc1269c6675c89f6' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '37e63ece5682a472b4201e061a2f2d6d35d73324' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '3883d286666cad95f497a749914bf3ddcebf82be' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '38895b6d09316180753cb9756c1ea24ac3591a99' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '38e529b8a9e6a45a79e918ebe2e2e9e70c6601a9' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '3a3c083f020638a27290ad5a4a106e13367167a3' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '3b227c3e85eb172d693a390958248a75df648825' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '3c565ff33c400ba2cef765511ef50b63fbe91998' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '3d8fbe281ae64d8aa1df535b08b0e1595b4642f5' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '3ed4d18e0edb3c69d3f8dfc2afc5cb95f1214937' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '3f23538c1e8d8f12ab3b71f65f6876cbd9be0751' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '403420272b77f5fb802a03cf9ad6599e0ffc3ae7' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '41953424af09ec21d72ec6e701b44449164a93f7' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '42e8ee7d3dd743ffa964cdc61a7ecf7a8200a5b4' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '434c924d4b967b1a273af095c6161ca66961d62a' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '44640a2acc9c790a80511af8291286ab3046e135' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '447b1c5e105374b077bff12bc637219aaf1e77aa' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '45ab87b1d0ae758390dbe59a424670b13f8db923' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '4632da54869fe3a3904cda40213441ecabc06963' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '468f4c04e15c9ba943b8dd28d8dacc8045e6c535' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '484a6d6796b4034ca5685509ae55e9b8f60d37e9' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '496bf62fe574c94421d88b3d282defce07b84657' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '4a9abc9aa8873b7306f5e1bb369b09d80349ca88' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '4b416bcd71568cf534cf66f051d29f7008de66d7' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '4b4b5f461eb6cde4fbec2f4b32dcf251ea082ba1' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '4be310f64c852c3197472991ee95f67eb4afc39a' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '4ced7bea6cb2efe026224e2ce7c663f103a114bb' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '4d184b8d9d18736962249b6925ce34c9e6cc0362' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '4e000368c9a044d20c02a36ea57a7795f4ebc5d4' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '4f9900cec83ac74b8299fd682a1533270efa70bc' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '4fca4945adc2d2852c076f6bcef9df243c3c758d' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '50142fbbb68f793addbb6d5516bdbed57b412b9d' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '50700caa168adb6106d28df7f86e60dfbd296e17' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '510fda5ebaa2b77ecfb602a05ecb8b23b37b5e31' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '517eef8415f4c9e4a83a4734cd59c11788633dca' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '526c9574cbc3147e4e4e4197c9abcafdcb85065e' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '52e8af676a067446c3b4ffd281f0ad2618e6b0df' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '53894740b8baf9fb766b6ecacc7222d607ea8b8d' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '54966f4dbe35a3899c4ca3a74624285c1b0dd0d7' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '5636a762c4bad9ba2d5a57ba5afdb72d5e402e8e' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '574c643e4adb30e8dfe685ccc73120e1952b5e3b' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '5767534acea53a290a783fedc9922ba57582029b' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '5833764cb7eecc42da6489f69c1aefde733ff95c' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '5841741a0fcab5765c9fe75ab12d717bc2eb4519' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '5863764558698208498f27d5514937b69cb9628a' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '58db62af836a063879ece1dcd9d7cc28007fc826' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '595861ad123d5d31d84fae204942c649f631fe3a' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '597ebc614267b5483a9a48a900fb0a721eac8249' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '5ca4c65fca5b8f2b2f0cd7afff24b22df9d35a3d' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '5d1c24c3289ce9bc0b5464de890b6983b9f52bc7' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '5d58d9d77457e5aee0fe0582bd7e5d4bbea7270e' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '627afc212251da45e5dee51c7e71205a5a44ffb8' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '63633e2a769b046f081501772c1f6a562680b06f' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '63887dc78adde06d93d9a718567d8ce1d1b82526' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '6427a621181cac87f5b8b7fbf8e493e34cca530b' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '6465f034ee3b8f41743c2b39038990afc423aa0a' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '65d2336b380add58a9fbf112aa569b134964e571' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '664f3383c0a62489a173809f240332fe4fe248dd' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '66cddc903912b3c606d9ec2e931ddc0ad3c967fa' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '671fe386f4aa5dfc08c1f54620605e8471b93871' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '675747a81573fabf009ddd0fea81eb1ccb1a9ab9' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '68f41fe9d458935cecc639d0aa00314a326f1847' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '6d5acab20126555ac70de069a86dfd3b1daaf589' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '6eaf72b1bfac6d75e943f9d4ac0871d18b0f2d1c' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '6eee14933e989e0c184b1bbe2e0edbaa0753da67' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '6fe07ba2c7313b4c77f5ceecdf5b3db786eb981c' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '70a62f3bc70724d7bea85bfaed143f023fa86fec' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '742c0fcbff8fa121830940967912aa7223fed51a' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '751f248879be2f9f0670d8ea302be8fdf1ff9b6c' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '7561f87955b5d971e54c8b21195eec8b3cc55ddd' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '76a7a686fbf587d263ccc19a034b5c84373d6261' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '76bef6ba967ddb0c4870b8b1d96dbe65050ff0dd' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '778c8d66963ed94a1a9e65400ba72b9027268d29' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '77a3d4a830ca0bbbb6d7e44f2006f35e5bdc4667' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '78133e47f57550fc0fc7bcec009a5d0bd93ef39c' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '782b30974679d6c2cd20c09f35c88cc2650453be' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '783276964bcb95e7ee6d94446b05688b31162098' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '78c9e0c9cc5bb2622f72e92d81d1bd1119e30911' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '7b339897bb8340e77ac25f1a04b502a485fbf882' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '7b89419244c2850c07ecb6be73033517e1bb428d' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '7bab26bb123cbecc323dc5b8efef9473583463ff' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '7bd5c004a94e6ba9ab4f440739eb9b4b656fd9b7' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '7bf855dbafd41b93d8fbbe77a0271a5c29c32b26' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '7c3cf4c69d6cb6c6298080c2d991e5ead26d0010' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '7d9477ac18b05b53f9defad951eda43e62d2cb4a' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '7e0dca1c9eea296290c2e749f602559133ffec19' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '7e12a4cd19cc95c4cec3ebe1a673547b891125ab' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '7e1d4e2d5d5a9b9f546557831e2622948fa17f97' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '7ecb7a53fd1889027d65bc6edefb81b79cd0cc07' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '7f42339cb515588edab76aa048c1a01c8ff24200' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '7f9570f5a82d3b7a10df910d06e6c3e04331c09a' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '808132b0d4c699e69dd0210ac43d44000c281658' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '813d202ed30923d49757b1590501d21ff0e55e05' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '826bbc4854fea29f0aefcec069e61098add9b07d' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '826fb70141130da18bd04beefbbe8351e8d6b785' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '82f85e9cd898963145ae8ac1efe7b91980dadcf7' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '84b236004c64644b7691cb1600125415d7109a64' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '8549af5b255173ad55cdb6fa9ae197bc5bd2cc24' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '855ba7fedbe4015fcfec27fb9030b632dfdbd201' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '86220ebc9411103ef67d1a85dfcb6595e5ba3c26' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '866956ee223f971d1b729ed843ce154f5302885d' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '869892bea4bc44397620009520505cb5d6e70bfe' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '88a3e0e446f03ba773547c6ad3104228daca0cc3' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '88a6de89a4f6a90d9fc6ddec7f2e5957f66d3ecb' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '89d1b74ea56ecf9fec4f8fc70f3f20dcac585ab9' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '8b8d888fc756d6b5791b04f0b776d49dfc15fe8e' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '8bbd867dacbb15f6a66d0b6dd49450f23dd20e80' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '8cd5dbbcb4e030cf0ab2bd5c25e955b82f07597a' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '8ced12390ee5ac2d4944f5b8a19d496b0d5b6201' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '8e342d16b160f13b606626811e493342c8c0686c' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '8e44fdf0ce430fa10a3ab803c4bfbaf80fb10a5f' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '90a2b2537ddc277eb8745722b994228c78efdd78' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '9227ce3eb1484d0f1946b0b2862ac7487dd7823e' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '92a415ca56275ec8c0a7993c2e4aea8d7d0aa401' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '932f85c4fc514f356a5b5330f5232dcb465e34a1' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '941777e2ea58d988544c378ea0ccb7190727f446' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '9651315689b0115fa0af40bf1a6fb00862d7daf1' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '970ef5c6ae9871623352d1fe836c0a1a4f0f3f78' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '97c6810fb9a9f090de7e64a1725c3c7ca6be3c34' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '97f6c6dfeab0b334b1215a2a3bd8f05d2e1fd191' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '984f5e6ba239785bcf5aba6a574c99df5c6f19e1' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '995999b0f774167d374396272d124b7175f38924' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '9a2bb6c95637e46d9a8c651af2d0716763aba95e' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '9ae624fe96c0fa2aa9cda32f0c4ae65830b47b73' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '9cdbbae41f2e1177b60aa33e7ee80651d2366922' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '9d124d75a658da1307ae9cb1a25a6caff669fece' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '9d52c270f0168c4b518b61d8a9db77a10fc2bc22' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '9dada614e131c2da7becdd7404f2e29cac329e11' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '9e4e5eeb7d9eb016d55fbfffa2ffc69630486ece' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: '9f6fb0db40ee87974604c6ea05a17386700f85e6' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'a1aad00f617aeff631b55d85f297702085c05177' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'a1d0755bd0fdd1e044d2f6e1bee080354797c85f' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'a29714943c3ea50929a84188fa4618654dd52ad6' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'a2b9ede6433b89b7856308f03d7725f79ece67a6' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'a310e32b3dce7824179d35cd0fcbdeb056c0d4d2' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'a3bb88427fe4a781c7123eff0fce7c57db105669' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'a3cc61d14c653d6d039e4d5db738458879004657' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'a3e0c30d320ded577b6c6ecc7c0e28193d48af69' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'a421511c74a90e9c62196e7386e31ced2a5d2ef4' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'a44cde21970ea8e74cbec16dc501fa62c127b413' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'a4a8d549e69eff2cdcb8643717d8a1c9568d01ee' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'a4d3832082a0668c8dd06408093a67a8b90c8419' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'a52ff10e16abdffb8a20f3f28d974ab1927fba50' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'a62381de829a09c23ddcedaca6306587ebc53282' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'a692ba9ea05aa9aa1fad25c2785dd3f29ce453e3' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'a6ba6bef8280279c6e14033788f8cde0fefaa3da' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'a8e6633357ef1670db6fc2a8bf6ef7fe5cdd822a' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'a95a64c78cc74eff4d35e95e1796cbd90bf8c956' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'a9a3d8c678d6d6d1dec8104e6afbc9984baca5a2' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'ab72b7d38e83b103e0c9a9f90a0a28c92dcae511' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'ab7a20c7a03c2e26617fce89628ce52320f51c17' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'ac2ce6552e9a58500e744c31fdab84521e0b27c5' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'ac40709c1cf22745ea0675d041703bbc6b5868cf' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'ad35564e6eeb900e9cd5b16ad06118f03f78d9a8' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'ad4aaf55a41c48521ea105fac17f86c5d6bc1464' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'b00fdc89f4afec9fc135a2e9a09ab6bde00f7bf5' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'b0171dcb97a66f5ea0ac92045e0cc5df3f163385' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'b045ebd3fdf85d1a5fe3d29965302cc48dd9741e' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'b1e27d2d5d2760b16ed2270b29c81789485fba61' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'b2e7f9ca8f366fb50d6ccc44e2e8500e90a462fb' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'b352ff1ea6f587251495194979baa31d25b38971' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'b370f37b144a13e934188055803bcd1a435c3469' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'b3e7586dec437b6e59ee528aa49fe882ca677cb9' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'b684b5d0ace671edf98003c66a7ce4ce140684c7' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'b870e6747a26fd2fbcb6b39617351d1d19f65423' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'b936f47796dc8bcaa6078e40fe11eea8f8be4ede' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'b9cf49b38a7e5388b34e28ed4b4f32dd2c69166e' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'ba979f5c2158901deb3a8985809f2e15b7ae61dd' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'bc246c14fb085c8f52ebaf9b832817c6862b3f2f' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'bc872b620e1342afe145f5cef6eba8e23da6a65c' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'bcb73a46b7636493ec100974960b4196c2bffd46' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'be24913a1339b3466f735ca19cd4be10ee43ce2e' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'be38a636e11181e7aee77c28f4c9ce4b3c6bd4a8' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'be73b21a281100ccd8424fe3a44cf7b79cc91d53' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'becad81b26a6dbaeab42e69cf0d32f3af6d0340d' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'bf49b3dcf37189e4ca532b82efb35b37766e2c59' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'bffcb7f3db2465a535f700ded99f749a1dcb0297' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'c0b6f77d2242bc01c29b662d3a8f94d10955be5f' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'c19c2296418d0c11caf17ba1e3e5639ce52be088' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'c2849e77c7f387f674946966f2183ab8f90e2137' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'c5fda93ccbe7ee4f668f1b1e4f8b544838369bb2' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'c701cf302397ef966988b1293b3bd64286c3a34c' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'c7c2551f97a69ad8c041174cd40c2a6971ea9498' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'c8910224c4d40f4ef6284293d18934cbe6825e95' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'c8a4920a839ff2c2e947606e5b8be567e2b2c12e' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'c8eb15f6e11bfae3ef68163dd22932079002fe99' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'c91eb6169eaedf594ded31d158aacda97b061a10' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'c93c4de2c341449a7e595fd647dbc4c5ffd2d2c0' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'c9c98513b1720f331edd132a2b5f6c2d43335e0a' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'cbd0fb1bed9f815278b084bfa8f7c7173ecb3018' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'cbf4fd998ac5f23368dde2b9bc6175167bb94f6b' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'cbf6ded7c519a8d8a473e31c096e5e97f28390fc' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'cc07cc2262b0053f7bab73714750090d7fbcf1d6' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'cc890cda21ad1694f221b2e435e92e69df2daaa5' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'cc93bd7571178cbc7b6d8587285af83e4188d716' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'd18f33a066589ec25c32bfe901a233a06b31dfaf' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'd1db6d1406ba6a4727557658a2d811f048daa49a' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'd319080ec1bd517d49491af15394328224ba0ad2' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'd35e166911101a4ad872ba5748d2e13f5a2ca499' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'd4400ab4e64ba0c01c6c501ceea51b4b9f32e8e7' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'd49461439e503c655c68b227333e05df35943b49' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'd5bd0aee43c94b46ba4be324c3b4082e7330fe77' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'd6037f535123d6cbeddece8c9840f4f246b76a1c' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'd6d47e1018beb043993b8887c8ed91b6d27c19cb' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'd70129fa134c6a9839e36c266f8ef82144368f12' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'd711b9f1256c6c033496c1b751faa9cb7a561378' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'd82674ffe624320d2c84f799f0288b9d74b37eb4' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'd87fe33a6561469604226be7304a38349b160725' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'd8cb3c23ed49e82c4af79daf07339775f1815a3f' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'd9516238358886fd0cd46bd39562cf3f74026b98' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'da4041ee277ccf391e3956f4b654bbb54391c41c' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'db55fea1289a4eb976e4d01cddaf2e30d79a38cd' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'db5990935e4bdf041c56aa427c2a7282626792f3' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'dc656f4466481809f7e6042c10f7cbdc196a4878' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'dd03c57c21ae07245409d6a94a879f2316177920' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'df9003a74c0f0d92c4669688531c78865ddf1a39' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'e03356fa8d2c2ad1402e35cd7900407f4ae167a0' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'e0670ebda76b1cbf6c614d5ab372c747739eed95' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'e0cc5dc3e14c28ac8ba51ea84a6cf3e25a120365' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'e11e9340ff4538fd5747c83718021480a2f8b18c' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'e12848fca0a96bad233c4c5979b62ed807edd80d' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'e12d1a505aba82cc1fec30f7aa3163569c9ec562' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'e1b940045791906189b7683e5d183e1c68bfc931' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'e3f98e45e25e670a37c61e50ffbeb61e0d86701d' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'e3fc2ddac7a7e1c4537452fd2a68aeb0b904ee80' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'e4135a09b842e1d2392a2d4d0a66b1c461a5ff9f' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'e42f77b726bb6416e47aa626c0ebec67c9568267' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'e43506939f4884c35aa35f6a7c78e05868e87869' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'e4dff51ee25ca03bcb418001663a76ce4dba9380' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'e548bd6b2e15ab14f7e2a8b86ab72b40b06f3352' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'e5787c4217f566a9f48b9a3762497c61a62c1218' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'e5a6139523abdb04d0945bb90867c2e3d59b5e22' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'e63acbf2d1e79d751d93324afe1612fd42d2bda8' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'e8ab2c2c2196262181825c926475fcd9a252da9e' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'e8f715b888b1154999768a388e10df15633aa8b7' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'e8f97c8cc4c09acf443d63705d5f8ab392711284' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'e93d3a1bea0d32e4cc38d39bc17ad8890d353eda' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'e95ec1d36373138818a1e77acf106aef55e32cd6' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'e96ac4a734d38371d39ce75665636a25040ca6a9' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'e9d8a101ee6e001f9dd5ec16ac22426caedf6f0b' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'ea0c275b176f5906f0ad212ad354285b4ffd57a0' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'eaa63090a006546278dbdddcf3f24250bab679f6' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'eab3bbd58b6d5455aec666c03b794ebe783b9246' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'eabdcd38d5f70a4d9f85bd2ff6bd38f890b7179a' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'eb4649765e39e3f950d386bfc647a8ed3b7d5ef4' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'eba8393d02caa991f1d86d87603e2d41807a71f6' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'ec1c8125e02d2b463e90b3cf0718ebbbbf4509e3' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'ecf84f59b58eec53602bc8a6ad916f3c2d96bd12' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'ed00636d42da11199f6e5daf007c5509529faaaa' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'edd211a96f253aac323b71bad2cab2063148b479' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'edde629ca629d0403302ab4164204a50fc117710' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'edf2aa01475efe552c07ba393f61ada120069687' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'ee2397b0824aa698243cf2e20a12bfb6a40ec1fc' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'eee1c116bd57bc10c01ca37305ebc136a358f99f' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'f00b3fc90d93657b29cbb4184f7f38fd1cb878d2' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'f1262d54726726355033dd655833af112b883003' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'f1a1133cc7e7242ea5de6e7869db4704ff5f1b5c' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'f2ab93526c02bb414e68e4fe5d9a6c8cc07e210e' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'f32532d03205018e575e62db4781fbc73e833cca' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'f356239546a50984ae4ed5d6dd260f7cda5635dc' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'f3c59688674974e197afd18f07c3057c86797f7e' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'f3c93077a4bf70a811fe8c0c2eb690f54d3e30e8' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'f3d7314378d1fc9d6aa7a5aa854bfdd5c247213b' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'f439d1659f011918c7afa3cbea1c9bcc494ba36d' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'f7a78d4f5bff0c027e9184ea5e8b8ef1728439db' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'f7bc5b1b784ed9e004b6dd1888bd298ac112ed26' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'f7bdfc742d79f8a777fef0df7a4379b956f668c8' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'f7cfa098f15c5c184897f58160fc5a38fb14837d' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'fa1137e7349f88a890e49861786dcdb8540c0e23' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'fab9b10302ffde28f6dda74e10565df43a07bbd7' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'fb862442c838ae84dea3e31b6f5c59101c6cc0aa' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'fc32be5c4bb6baab46fd7b9c4482b5e0667b27ae' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'fc9cb2e9bbd27f9fd3dbb42dd4278c4ceafbe7dd' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'fd1b55840c0a1df4d5a293dc568d16a76d97c687' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'fd5e8b4e687fa2a82e0f98545b6b81a43c78b1ae' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: app.js from hash: 'fee818ec3ba1cf05eec8766c43a4c3874e6577ba' to hash: 'c043fa3d3aa2fdc78e1b34dffc128ec4c4611dc4'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: '04f5bdd3988e420a0988495e8abf19def6f3f2f0' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: '0a601304cf0e5ef758bb12cc9ae7387f046dff2e' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: '0bb547fdca25c9b604feeffb81c58b6a0aec544f' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: '0c7887802bf5c2d4bf81b36a034982aa116bf86e' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: '0d4e6ef506384be0898daa10d4b0e64222d06af4' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: '0de9b6cda98cca6c59c462f4e34fb1260da2aef8' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: '0fa702e592b97c9b7d45f1b91cef9f09343795be' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: '1073104b7b7810458f0cabdb88be8b549dd07d20' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: '129c646950a206a2511c2c44c38d6ffba4545478' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: '147b80fc73d6d9ae423ab455d8bedd82b1261082' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: '17b3f5d5391aa385b79e898214a7c4ac0eda1bdd' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: '189cad92eaa1c286a3e4e3f2e11fa3e11bf9bb83' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: '1977e635c0adeb8d9743205ad09d100971017eaa' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: '19c84eaf272c8b91dc792261a2ba6fcbe210275a' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: '19e2f2e9be7a5d3f54fd47fadb7bc0b64f6e05bd' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: '1ae40b070be5582292881f6b99c7bbb5d223d46c' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: '1d459cd202bd6ac5997457faa2b0aa4f4b8cbf92' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: '1e7810745d104caa34f079f09087f8f328fcf463' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: '1f39eabd0ea714997f7a552beb76b2f1f3934b3c' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: '22c4d64579a1f751008417c79776de2f5c95f784' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: '26086e6f48d0edb5b39cc114cd9aacae81a4ae37' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: '2629c4752812449e6f65cd35b33ed138a0061262' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: '273eaafa2bada0b3c7fbb39a2f3868c2623cfd21' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: '2df4bcc20022cf08709658143097bf0ae65cb522' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: '2f2769e9affc22d5172f51e38e6cffa8ad89a69e' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: '30a61a9894f80d8e94c8381452fb9a62bb33b89a' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

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[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'cf21b1cf62a7a8740a9950db05544fde412be248' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'd1777738d3fabca862ab9431a919158ba0607fee' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'd1d598f10b757d54bd059ead2afab96650f533b5' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'd2bc232a9074f55731bc4a2d8202e3fae43bce51' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'd2d6dc5c32fdf98ec000b20fddd1950fdc663c89' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'd3bfbd0a631ef0526c1e5b2a7c924411d67e5778' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'd3e46fef4802d3c92978f07cf1896baad7b46049' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'd6de3f605525deb302d05a14ce5745b164ad6c5e' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'd8a3db5d2ae1912d016fe475a8bd0f126e333f31' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'd9736f6459e55f9cdd6f92ca05fdd41342b27bfb' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'd9ac6eb3b850e8cc458e205afc36f446378e974a' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'dc394bd8745c0e7750db0cfaf514c2155e8c4f3e' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'deb159b20175fc9e5124036a3162f56047fd24c8' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'df2f7922ad7f9256219f7f64bae3b9e302579da0' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'e30ed0e33e2d13a2e65c2985a22ee3b4e30a5fae' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'e3b6c58823c7a32dd2b8c454f8569a206105cee6' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'e61c610e4e1675146f0606fa218a7000eff4f2e8' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'e6fc444a74b87d491a7159c3effb43c95db70913' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'e71620e5a4011719372640e7c0d5045f897e8fc2' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'e7a6be7958d50f3edeecd6980b9753e5ee416e1b' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'e7cac860359cd2962f28ac6dac7657bb3813d467' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'e986a2a970df31e9365fad5f459c6d18f72857fc' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'eeb45cffc7ec1a2c9c581cba971ad8435403c455' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'f0876ccab0663d0bea60e8fb5965b9385911d858' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'f157279f59864fefc050d6a535669849f17bd8fa' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'f30a4522cfe5bf659b25a9036548dc99ab90cb0b' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'f583d9a2965c0580a3c89b8f20bbb2aa65a72796' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'f68cae4071778dc2e388b692cd014e3b0f9e5863' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'f7f6e6b61cad14954fc0bd19e2245871f5e45e71' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'fa3fbc6f7f6f8e73849619bb9ab1e4c378eea036' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'fa8914f2fe423a28964a026afd0e88041172fe10' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'fb5bb1274c1f83c312ebc866c15ee8129a4e1ff7' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'fb6eaaa4f2f9472b55ebadd5ce4087ac085b6a86' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'fb9f958bb2142c873e5ca4ba45f51e12f086efdf' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'

[INF] Generated delta for: theme/sencha-touch-18d7a032-d9ac-4260-b415-e8984ce62f9e.css from hash: 'fbb9b74161b1ad67c8c4fc08c74e1e06a82df58d' to hash: '3f5e2d8334ed0852b5e1f7d66c8374c3eb1ac63b'


[INF] -detect-app-build-properties:


[INF] -build-standalone-json-manifest:


[INF] -build-output-page:


[INF] -build-output-microload-page:

[INF] Writing content to /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/build/production/RetailerMobileApp/app.json

[INF] Writing content to /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/build/production/RetailerMobileApp/microloader.js

[INF] Appending content to /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/build/production/RetailerMobileApp/microloader.js

[INF] Building output markup to /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/build/production/RetailerMobileApp/index.html

[INF] [delete] Deleting: /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/build/production/RetailerMobileApp/microloader.js


[INF] -generate-cache-manifest:

[INF] generating cache manifest to /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/build/production/RetailerMobileApp/cache.appcache

[INF] Generating checksum for appCache item: /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/RetailerMobileApp_ABC/build/production/RetailerMobileApp/index.html


[INF] -page:


[INF] -after-page:


[INF] native-package:


[INF] -build:


[INF] -after-build:


[INF] build:


[INF] app-build:

Can I delete or disable "delta" thing in SA 3 project ?