lundi 28 avril 2014

Accordion with dynamically created panels (from store data) that contain grids.

I am contemplating converting a durandaljs/wijmo/kendoui/knockout app to extjs 5.

I had made significant progress in my app but I am finding layout management especially difficult with the requirements of this app, so I wanted to give extjs a try.

The attached image depicts someones social network and the many groups that they can build. The red circled places are like an accordion, you click on them and they expand to reveal the people that are in that group.

Right now, in extjs, I have a mockup json data file and a center area, where I am aiming to put an accordion. The accordion will create panels for each group from the mock data service. And for now I want to put a dummy grid in to the accordion panes (that are only visible when expanded).

I am finding this a little hard to build since I am a total newbie.

I built a fiddle and in it, as you'll see the grids are being placed side by side instead of below eachother and hidden inside the accordion panes.

Can someone please help me edit the fiddle just a little bit to get me over this hurdle?

Thanks so much

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