jeudi 27 mars 2014

Load another form after a Successful Login

I am a new on the Sencha Architect and sencha touch , trying to learn this Framework, I got this example from the internet, I have done all checking on my PHP code and it is working well, What i need to do is As soon as a User is valid i need to send him to another Form, Here is my code on the Login button tap :

But it does not take me to the factForm

var form = button.up('formpanel'), // Login form

values = form.getValues(), // Form values

mainView = this.getMainView(), // Main view

loginPanel = this.getLoginPanel(), // Login and register buttons

// Success

var successCallback = function(resp, ops) {


// Go back


// Hide login panel


var factForm = Ext.create('widget.factform'); // Create Form Factura


xtype: "factform",

title: "Clientes"




Ext.Msg.alert("Alerta", resp.responseText);



// Failure

var failureCallback = function(resp, ops) {

// Show login failure error

Ext.Msg.alert("Login Failure", resp);


// TODO: Login using server-side authentication service


url: "http://localhost/DoctorFactura/php/func/chkusr.php",

params: values,


success: successCallback,

failure: failureCallback


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