dimanche 30 mars 2014

trying to create a dropdown menu on a titlebar [newbie]


I am a sencha newbie and I am trying to add a drop down menu to a titlebar. I have inherited this code, so my options are alittle limited.

This is the code i am trying to add a dropdown menu to: ( i have removed some of it to make it less verbose , so i may be not be completely correct.

i am trying to ad a dropdown menu to xtype: 'titlebar'.

IS this possible and if someone could point me to an example it would be greatly appreciated


Ext.define('MyPatients.view.Messages', {

extend: 'Ext.Container',

requires: [




xtype: 'messages',

config: {

layout: 'card',

items: [{

xtype: 'tabpanel',

activeTab: 0,

layout: {

animation: {

type: 'slide',

duration: 250



tabBar: {

layout: {

pack : 'center',

align: 'center'


docked: 'top'


}, {

xtype: 'titlebar',

docked: 'top',

title: '<div id="messagesTitle">Inbox</div>',

items: [{

id: 'messagesBackBtn',

text: 'Back',

ui: 'back',

align: 'left',

hidden: true

}, {

iconCls: 'compose',

iconMask: true,

align: 'right'

}, {

id: 'messageSendBtn',

text: 'Send',

align: 'right',

hidden: true

}, {

id: 'documentCancelBtn',

text: 'Cancel',

align: 'left',

hidden: true




clearTitle: function () {



setTitle: function (title) {




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