mercredi 26 mars 2014

Fresh Sencha Architect 3 install black screen

Hello Sencha,

That was a very "nice" impression of Sencha Architect that is $400. Just installed it, and for free get a black screen. Searched all over internet and didn't found anything (and also found that a guy wrote about this like 6 days ago) and nobody answered him.

Would be great to have any answers, or just tell us (new possible customers) that you can't handle the support or give a bug free version to people, not beta versions.

I've spent like 2 hours to make sure that it's not my fault, so I came here to "complain" and maybe get a solution.

Here are some details about my system and download:

Sencha Architect downloaded: Version 3.0.3 for Windows

Windows 7 Professional

i7 4700MQ CPU @ 2.4 GHZ

8.0 GB RAM

64bit OS

and for later (when maybe I'll get to build stage)

JDK 7 (of course set JAVA_HOME)

ruby 2.0.0p353

ant 1.9.1 compiled on May 15 2013

Steps to reproduce:

Install Sencha Architect 3.0.3 on Win 7 Pro x64

Expected result:

See the Sencha Architect trial, login, application or something

Actual result:

A nice like 400x400 px black window in the center of screen with nothing displayed (*if you click random on it you get sometimes on sencha links)

If you need more details, just let me know. Thank you

P.S. I think you saw the empty black screen screenshot with nothing in that user's previous post.

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